Pt 15

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I woke up curled around Luisa as she snuggled into me so I kissed the top of her head "took you long enough to wake up." I gave a tired chuckle "is your voice raspy?" I leaned back so I could look at her and her face turned pink as she averted her gaze "a little bit." I chuckled again "sorry." She curled into me more "for what?" I shrugged "I dont know, making your voice like that." I heard her scoff in a playful manner "no te disculpes. Me divertí anoche." I removed my arms from her and grabbed my phone from the bedside table where my belt sat "its ten in the God damn morning." I sighed as I said it. "My parents will probably be over any minute now looking for me." I sighed again knowing that meant we needed to get up

"Wanna help me record a song?" She looked up at me and I could see a twinkle in her eyes "can I?" I nodded "that's why I offered. Casey will be over in about fifteen minutes, so as much as I want to stay here. We can't." She giggled "but we could." I laughed as I stood up "if I want Agustin to kill me then yes we could. Your dad is very protective of you Luisa. He is of all of you. By the way this is yours." I handed her one of her favorite flowers "I love it where did you get this?" Did she seriously forget her sister can grow flowers? "Your sister grew it for me." She hugged me "thank you mi amor." I felt like I could actually be myself around her "de nada darlin." She blushed "why do you call me that?" I glanced at her as I put pants on "cause you like it and don't tell me you don't because I know you do." She sighed knowing she couldn't argue with that then finished getting dressed before following me to my recording room.

We weren't even in there long enough for me to show her what she needed to do when a knock came at my front door "I'll be right back." She nodded as she looked around at everything "ok." I opened the door to find Agustin and Julieta "good morning. Is Luisa still here?" I nodded "yeah she is. Do you guys need her?" They shook their heads "no. We just wanted to come check on her. She usually comes home for breakfast and she didn't this morning." I apologized "it's alright. We trust you we just worry about her regardless. Typical parents." I laughed with them "yeah I was just about to-" "Y/n is it my mamá and papa?" I turned and Looked at her "si." She came over and hugged them "im ok. Y/n will keep me safe. He has before." I watched their eyes go from hers to her neck and back before doing a double take then looking at eachother with a small smirk.

"We better get going." Julieta grabbed Agustins arm and started to drag him off "have fun mija. Just don't give me any grandbabies before your married!" Luisa looked at me confused after I shut the door "why were they acting different?" I reached over and placed a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it as I pulled her close to me with my other arm "I'll only tell you if you let me do one thing." She raised a brow at me "what?" I looked her in the eyes to try and read what she might want "depends on what you want." I glanced to her lips then back "Y/n I can't take anymore. Im sore." I bit my lip as I seen what she wanted flash through her eyes "I'll be gentle, but if you dont want anything to happen then nothing will happen." She sighed then gave me a small smile "after Casey leaves." I raised a brow "you sure?" She nodded "but I have expectations." I grinned as she placed a hand on my chest then kissed me "besides. You have a way to make everything fun."

Once Casey got here I had him show her how to work everything then we started to record. I did my song 'Son of a Ramblin man' and I watched as Casey got into it to the point he jokingly started to dance with Luisa and it made her laugh.

"how'd it sound?" Casey laughed "it sounded great. Ready to do your next one?" I shrugged "I dont know what one I want to do next. What do you guys think?" I opened my app on my phone and allowed them both to look at it "you should do 'dangerous man' I think that one would be fun." I gave Casey the look that said no "ok well what about 'the kind of love we make'? It seems simple." I huffed "I wouldn't call it simple." Luisa then pointed at one "how about that one?" Casey looked at it "I like that one too." I looked at it "cowboys and angels?" They both nodded "ok let's do this then."

I took a deep breath before doing a little arm shake and Casey shook his head "come on we don't have all day." I rolled my eyes "we do to." Luisa giggled "ok we're good to go." Casey nodded then started the music.

I noticed Luisa take a picture of me with her phone as I sang, but brushed it off until I was done with the song. "Where'd you come up with that one?" I did the 'my lips are sealed' thing "you gotta check this picture out Luisa got of you. It's cool."

(This is just a reference. Not exact)

"I like that

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"I like that. I still need a cover for first album too." She looked at me in shock "it's not that good though, so I don't know why you'd use it." "Because I can and want to. Darlin. Besides this one would be amazing if I sent it to Lilah and had her edit it for me. She won't need to do much." She just stared at me and I could see in her face she couldn't tell if I was being serious or not "I'm bein dead ass serious. Send it to Lilah." She looked away from me "I don't have her number." I put my hand out "I'll put it in your phone for you." She handed it to me and I put the number in her phone "ok you're all set." I handed it back to her and Casey just stared at us "so like...whats going on with you two?" We both looked at him "what do you mean?" He sighed "are you guys dating or are you guys just fucking?" I backhanded him in the chest "if we were just fucking neither of us would have eachother saved in our phones with names."

He stood there a moment processing what I said before he realized what I was meaning "oh so you guys are dating?" I shook my head "your so fuckin stupid. Yes we are." He nodded "oohh ok. Is that why you guys-" I gave him my 'I'll beat your ass' look and he went quiet "thanks for coming over and helping Casey. We all need to get to our usual things now." Luisa gave me an unusual look "but we don't have anything to do today." I sighed and Casey laughed "dude if you just want to fuck her again say so and I'll leave."

I facepalmed at him "that's not the point. I actually do have things to do today. Luisa is supposed to help me with them." He snickered "shes things." He was laughing up a storm "oh hardy har har. Keep laughing and I'll beat your ass." He kept laughing and I sighed once more well past frustrated "Casey I swear to god that-" Luisa grabbed my hand and spoke over me "hey Casey?" He looked at Luisa who had a really red face "yeah?" He 'wiped' a 'tear' away from his eye as Luisa bit her lip and took a deep breath "I really need Y/n to comfort me right now. Do you think you could go?" She started to fondle with her skirt "oh yeah, of course. Sorry." He hurried out the door and I pinched the bridge of my nose "he makes me so flea bitten mad sometimes that I just wanna-" Luisa wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"Take a deep breath Y/n its not worth it to stay mad." I took a deep breath then turned in her arms and returned her hug "gracias Luisa." She just giggled "de nada mi amor."

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