Pt 28

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Dinner was awkward, but overall everything went smoothly. Y/n had to get back and finish recording his song and naturally I was going to go with him, but completely forgot about what Abuela said.

"Luisa what are you doing?" I looked at her "going with Y/n...?" Mamá whispered something to Abuela and Abuela didn't give her a very good look "not without someone else going with you." I sighed "Abuela please just listen to me and-" she stuck her hand up as she approached me. Y/n stood just behind me waiting. I think he forgot too. "You will not go anywhere with him alone after today's stunt that he pulled. Someone must go with you and-" Y/n cleared his throat and I knew he was about to say something when he stepped around me.

"I don't want to be disrespectful to you Alma, but have you heard Luisas side of the story or anyone elses for that matter? Or have you only heard Dolores' and took her side immediately? Cause with how you've reacted about this it seems like you only listened to her side of the story and she didn't tell you the truth." He was so nice about it. I would've panicked and said the wrong thing. "I don't need to hear anyone else's because-" Y/n shifted his weight from one foot to the next and "I trust que mi nieta me está diciendo la verdad." Y/n looked at me "you can trust that she's telling you the truth all you want, but that doesn't mean she is. Doesn't mean I'm callin her a liar either, but if you sat everyone down and got all their stories and everyone but hers was all the same, I think youd have a different reaction then what's going on right now."

He was so respectful, but had enough attitude to get his point across "I don't want to hear anyone else's story because-" Y/n sighed "because you believe Dolores. How many years did she lie to you about Bruno? She knew he was there. You asked her if she could hear him and she always told ya no. She tells you what you want to hear and things she can't keep a secret anymore. There's always more then one side to a story and taking one person's side and ruining everyone else's life over what that one person said cause you wouldn't listen to anyone else ain't right." Everyone stared at Y/n as he looked Abuela in the eyes before Dolores spoke up and broke their eye contact "I may have lied a little Abuela. I just didn't want you to think Luisa was different if I told you the truth, so I said Y/n instead of her."

Abuela apologized to me, but wouldn't look at Y/n because she knew he was right and Dolores just proved that. "I will hear from all of you, but no one is allowed to speak to one another until then." We all nodded and my parents and tia and tio as well as Antonio just looked confused.

Long story short, Abuela listened to everyone's story, even Y/ns, then decided as long as we were at Casita we could do as we pleased, but we couldnt do anything for a month in order for her to be ok with us going back to 'normal' we both agreed, but I could tell Y/n had wheels turning in his head. She also had a very long and uncomfortable talk with me about the whole situation.

Y/n also became close with Camilo within a week because Y/n would help him with his pranks and vise versa. I however had fun with one that Camilo sat me up with to pull on Y/n although it wasn't really a prank.

"LUISA!" Camilo fell out of a tree into my arms and I looked at him concerned "you need something?" He nodded "yeah. I got seating you can do with Y/n to get him back for hhe cold water when you were showering." I sat him down and folded my arms "im listening." He took in a deep breath then let it out in one big puff of air "ok so me and Casey decided you should kiss Y/n for every time he cusses throughout the day." My jaw dropped "do you know how many times he cusses in a day? I can't do that." He sighed "well you have to or im telling him what you did the other morning." I groaned "ok fine, but if we get into more trouble with Abuela beacuse of you I'm going to flatten you like a pancake. " He laughed nervously "he can't be that bad." I huffed "if only you knew."

"Fuckin-" he sighed and went though the settings on his phone, so I casually leaned over and turned his head to give him a kiss. "What the hell man?" He groaned as he shook his hand since he just hit it with a mallet "come here." He walked dover and thought I was going to jokingly kiss his hand better like always until I pulled him into another kiss. Probably the thirtieth one that day.

"Whats gotten into you?" He rested his hands on my hips "nothing I just want to kiss you alot today" he smiled at me "ok if you say so." He let me go and went back to work "do you have a problem with me kissing you?" He shrugged "no I dont. I love when you kiss me. I was just thinkin that maybe your up to somethin, but I guess not." He gave me a look over his shoulder that normally only meant one thing. "That was a different look." I sighed "its not normally a good look." Isa looked at me confused "what do you mean?"I looked at her as I got back to my own work "it normally means that he knows what I'm doing and is going to get me back for it." She nodded "oh. Get you back how?" I shrugged "depends on what I'm doing. I normally know how he's going to get me back with how he looks at me, but I'm lost on this one." That was a lie, but Isa didn't need to know that.

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