Pt 8

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"I hope you hit those gold streets on two wheels, I hope your mansion in the skys got a ten acre field with some mud and some hubs you can lock in. Make some thunder make em wonder how you got in." You were recording a cover of the song 'give heaven some hell' as per requested by quite a few people. "Crank it loud hold it down til I get there and I do I hope you got some new stories to tell. Til then give heaven some hell. I was there when you raised your hand. Heads bowed singin' just as I am. Man it ain't right man it ain't fair. I'll see you again, but til then give heaven some hell." You turned off the things you needed to then huffed as you removed the headset and started to edit the audio and see where you needed to go over the song again.

"Quarter past two when I started feeling blue and if I tell the truth I was thinkin bout you." You sighed not being able to get the song out of your head "I close my eyes and I find you and the dirty little things we do. In the middle of the night when I dream of getting you, my heads going crazy thinkin what I'd do to you. I'd rip off all your clothes and start breaking down the door and make you beg for more as I pin you to the floor. Cause you'd be screaming oh oh oh baby don't stop no no no no." Casey came through your front door as you sang this and he snickered at you making you jump.

"So you do like her?" You scoffed "yeah so what's that got to do with anything?" He shrugged "I dont know, but that's the song you usually blow someone's back out too, so..." he shrugged and had a knowing smirk on his face "and there's rumors circling that you got caught making out with Luisa last night." You let out a loud 'ha' which was more of a 2nd scoff "who started those?" You reached over your computer and grabbed your coffee then leaned back in your chair and looked at him "her family. Or that's what people say." You rolled your eyes and shook your head "well it was a kiss and nothing more and if we're being factual here, she kissed me." His jaw hit the floor "you let a girl kiss you?" You grinned and looked away from him as he sat on your spare chair "if I'm gonna get her, I gotta give her a taste first. Let her decide. Also let her think she controls me when in reality-" he cut me off "you've got her wrapped around your finger in more then one way?"

You shook your head "no she will be in control and once we do get together, if we do, she won't know what hit her." You paused realizing what you said and knowing he could take it wrong "in a good way, in a good way. I'd never hurt a woman." He snorted "except in the bedroom." You drank the rest of your coffee then sat there a moment before throwing the thermos at him and hitting him in the head "thats for givin me shit." He rubbed his head where it hit him "damn. Those hurt." You narrowed your eyes at him "no really? Is that why it made a bong sound when it hit you? Or was that just your hollow ass head." You both laughed until he decided it was time to rough-house and tackled you when you stood up, but didn't expect you not to go very far when he did it and you to flip him onto his back "haha! I still got it bitch." He only rolled his eyes as he stood up and dusted himself off "I'll get you little man. And your girlfriend Luisa too."

Luisa currently sat at home in her room thinking about yesterday. How did the news get out when her and her papa had decided to keep it between them? And why was she so...turned on at the thought of it happening again? She huffed and crossed her legs, squeezing them to help subside her desires. "Why does he get to me?" She groaned as she squoze her legs together again and placed her one hand between her thighs. "Oh dios mio." She groaned out and tilted her head back "I wanna kill him." She fell back on her bed.

"Luisa someone's here to see you." She sighed and got up, but before she could make it to her door it opened "this is her room. I'm glad you came over to speak with her." She looked up to see her best friend, Lilah "hey girl. Why you staying coopes up in here all day?" She shut the door behind her "I...have my reasons." Luis sat on her bed again and Lilah sat next to her "is it cause you don't want to see Y/n?" Her face went red as she looked at Lilah "n-no its just that-" Lilah giggled "it so is. You can't tell me otherwise." Luisa groaned slightly annoyed she couldn't hide the fact that she didn't want to see you.

"Ok so I don't want to see him, well it's not that I don't want to see him I just" She sighed "he's got your panties wet don't he?" Luisas eyes grew wide "dont say it like that." Lilah let put a squeal "He so does! Just go see him. What's the worst that can happen? He doesn't want to see you?" Luisa shook her head "no the worst that can happen is he makes another move and we get caught again, or we actually do it and I get pregnant." Lilah rolled her eyes at her friend "Y/n may be dumb, but he knows how to use protection. I should know cause I'm his sister and he tells me everything." Luisa stared at Lilah "so I know he's had a crush on you for like, since he got here, but he doesn't want to admit it." Luisa shook her head "what did you say?" Lilah thought a moment "that I'm his sister?" Luisa nodded "you never told me that."

"Actually I did. I just never told you my brothers name because I have three of them and when I told you you'd fall head over heels for the one you didn't believe me so I never told you his name." Luisa backhanded her in the arm gently "thanks for telling me I've been tlaking to his sister. Have you told him anything I've said?" She shook her head "no I haven't. I have told you what he's said about you though, but please never tell him cause he'll kill me. I'm literally the only woman on planet earth he'll hurt. Unless your into some freaky shit in the bedroom. Then your on your own. From what I've heard from his past girlfriends he's rough in the bedroom and-" she noticed Luisas red face "Sorry his isn't helping you is it?" Luisa shook her head "I'll be quiet then. How about you tell me about yesterday? It can be about anything."

There was silence that filled the room for a while before Luisa sighed "yesterday when I kissed him he was being kinda cocky and confident in a way, but once my papa walked in and seen us Y/n got quiet and respectful. It was so weird to see someone be able to flip a switch that fast in how they act." Lilah chuckled "well if you were raised the way we were you'd understand why he can change how fast he can go from confident to respectful. Our parents are ones that believe in discipline, but they always were a bit over the top with it. Like borderline child abuse. I don't know how many times both mom and dad punched Y/n in the mouth just for trying to explain himself like they asked him to do. I also don't know how that man ain't missin any teeth from it." Lilah took a deep breath.

"He got disrespectful with mama once and daddy hit him so hard upside the head that it knocked him onto the floor and when Y/n stood up and tried to explain himself and tried telling pops that mama was cheating on him mama hit him pretty damn hard upside the head too. Gave him a concussion from it cause she hit him hard enough it sent him into the wall and he lived with it for over a year before they took him in to get him help. What's bad is he didn't even really get disrespectful with mom. Just told her she needed grow up and learn to love and thats why she had already had three boys and four other girls all with different men. Only me and Y/n share the same daddy."

Luisa shook her head "I mean I've been hit with la chancla before but that was when I was right between the ages of six and twelve because I had a lying problem to try getting out of my chores." Lilah laughed "we all lie a little bit. No ones perfect, but I consider Y/n pretty damn close." Now it was Luisas turn to laugh "I dont know. He's kind of a, oh whats the word? It's not him that perfect, but everything he does is-" Lilah piped up "a perfectionist?" Luisa nodded "yeah that. Cause everything he does has to be done a certain way and at a certain time." Lilah grinned at Luisa "how do you know this? You being a stalker or something?" Luisa chuckled "no, I just run into him so many times a day that I've figured it out."

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