Pt 58

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I sat in my recording room doing an interview/podcast via FaceTime and questions were starting to get personal. "When was the last time any of you had sex with your wife, girlfriend, fiancé, etcetera?" Everyone answered except me "uh Y/n?" I snapped out of my thoughts "yeah?" They all laughed at me "you gonna answer the question?" I nodded "yeah I distracted. It was sometime this last week." I heard my phone go off and glanced down at it.

L: hey, can you hurry? I really need to talk to you.
Y: yeah I'll try to.hirry.
Y: *hurry
Y: is it an emergency?
L: no. Well...I wouldn't consider it an emergency, but Willow was eight with what she told me.
L: *right
Y: with what she told you about what? 🤨
L: I'll elaborate more later. Just remember our wedding is tomorrow. That's all I ask.
Y: I remember it's tomorrow. You've been reminding me for the last two weeks.
L: sorry
Y: it's fine darlin ♥️

When it finally ended I made it to Casita fairly fast "Luisa?" I opened our room door and she peeked at me from the bathroom "im in here." She leaned back around the corner "what in the hell were you talkin about on the phone?" She pointed at the counter where four pregnancy tests sat. I looked at them then to her and back before allowing myself to fully turn and face her "im not lookin at them to see the answers." She sighed "at least look once you hear everything." I nodded and leaned on the counter.

"I've been the last few weeks, so I took two tests a week ago and one came back positive and the other came back negative. I took two more, one this morning, one two days ago, and it's the same story. I dont want to go to the doctor, but I think it might be our last option." I wanted to be excited, but I didn't want to get my, or her, hopes up. "Lets go then. Get your coat too. Pepa is havin a rough day so it's been sleetin all day." She gave me a funny look as I stretched "sleetin?" I nodded and couldn't help the smile that crawled onto my face at her mocking my accent "yeah, a mixture of rain and snow. Where I'm from we usually call it sleet. I'm not gonna tell you that it's fuckin snowin and rainin at the same time. Takes to damn long." She giggled and I looked at her with a side eye "whatchu gigglin for?" She shook her head "nothing your just cute when you do that."

My face heated up at her saying that "do what?" She shook her head "nothing. Don't worry about it." I rolled my eyes "did you roll your eyes at me mister?" I giggled and ran from her as she swatted at me "your such a kid sometimes." She shook her head with an amused smile "I know, but you love me and darlin you can't deny it." She just stared at me with a 'this was fun, but can we go now?' Face before I offered my hand to her and we left.

"Hola Luisa, hola Y/n. What are we here for?" Luisa glanced at me "oh...ok, we are super slow right now, so just follow me amd I'll put you in a room and the doctor will come in shortly." It was probably slow because everyone was helping to prepare for the wedding, but that was just a guess.

"So you took 4 and two said positive, two said negative, correct?" We both nodded "the one we just had you do came back as unsure, but I'm not seeing anything on any ultrasounds or anything else. I've tried everything that would help us determine if you are or not, but so far everything is pointing towards negative." I squoze her hand "It's probably a phantom pregnancy. They happen all the time in both humans and animals." The doctor looked at me slightly shocked "look, I may be dumber then a fence post sometimes, but I took alot of special classes and know alot more then what I let on."

When we got back to Casita we got separated by our family and friends "come on. You guys can't see eachother until everything is about to go down." "Yeah what Casey said." I chuckled "I have something I need to touch up on anyway." Everyone kept asking Luisa in comment sections in some of my videos to do a Q&A, so when my phone went off saying she was live on TikTok Jona turned it on so we could listen to it.

"When was the moment you knew you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life?" Mirabel and Isabella read the questions for her "I didn't know we were going to startogf like that." She giggled nervously "probably when he had his horses shipped over here to allow a little girl with cancer to do something she always dreamed of and more before she passed away. That and when I watched him do one of his stripper routines and he knew I was there and proceeded to call me darlin for the first time and let me kiss him."

"You never told us about that." I didn't answer them for a momemt as I oiled and repaired a saddle someone had sent me "I did, but it was quite a while ago." I measured out some rope then cut it when I chuckled about the next question that came in "what was the first time with him like?" She stuttered and was hesitant "...I-I uh, well I don't know if he'd like me sharing that." I glanced at my phone "type out that I'm fine with her sharing it." They looked at one another then at me "how would I word it?" I sighed "just say I don't mind at all darlin and put a little smiley face or something." They typed it out and soon enough I heard her huff, but could tell she was smiling when she did.

"It, ok there's 'first time' then there's the first time. I remember both very strongly." You smirked as everyone in the comments either said 'both' or 'the first time' "I'll just go with the first time." She took a deep breath "it was definitely...intense, like something I watched online once, but after and he might get me back for this, he was just a giant cuddle bug he still is to this day." A bunch of 'omg thats so hot and sweet' comments came through "what's he like?" She hummed "he's a badass, won't hesitate about that part, he's also a big softie, his personality is...something else." Her and her sisters laughed "he's definitely a goofball, a seven foot child if you will. You don't want to get inbetween him and Casey if their rough-housing when either of them are on one. You will get ran over."

Casey laughed then commented, with his phone, 'she's speaking from experience' but we didn't run her over. We ran into her and it was like hitting a brick wall. "Have you ever recorded a song with Y/n?" She bit her lip "yes I have, but he swore he'd never release it unless it was ok with me." I forgot about that. I usually did "what's a song I think would fit Y/n or be his theme song?" She laughed and I knew she was waiting for this question "there are a few, some of them his own, but the top one would be, let me find it..." it made me a little nervous that she had to find it "it's called 'Whoop a man's ass sometimes' its by Trace Adkins. I say this one because towards the end of the song it says 'and God forbid that anybody mess with that little girl of mine, you gotta whoop a man's ass sometimes' and that is Y/n to a T."

I heard Lilah in the background say something and knew I was about to be ruined "what was that Lilah?" She repeated it louder so we could hear it "I said another one that fits is 'chick's dig it' by Chris Cagle." They all burst into laughter "so would his favorite song 'Fire up the night' by New Medicine." They just thought they were so funny doing this "hey Case hand me my phone." He handed it to me "watch this." I went into my messages and clicked on Luisas.

Y: hey darlin just wanted to say...
Y: *mi amor 😍 sent a video*

I watched on Casey's phone as she opened the text and her moans filled the room when she clicked on the video. It was crazy how she could fall for that so many times. When the sound of the video finally hit the others as Luisa panicked to get it to shut off they all stared at her, all their faces were red and they wouldn't look at Luisa who was beyond embarrassed.

"I'm sorry was that you?" She nodded at Lilahs question "what was he doing to you?" Lilah had a way to ease the tension in the room "you don't want to know." Jona and Casey both elbowed me "that was low key rude man." I shrugged "she was only embarrassed because her sisters were in the room. She fuckin posted our videos online." Their eyes got huge "dude what's the link?" I gave Casey a disapproving look "what? Once your married I don't get to just have fun anymore." Jona just sat and listened. I could tell he had alot of questions in his head.

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