Pt 37

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The day was set, November 28th. I didn't let Luisa or practically anyone see that I was nervous, but I was. So nervous that most days I woke up with a headache. I wasn't nervous about my choice in marrying Luisa because I knew it was the right one, but I worried I'd do something wrong and lose her, whether it was now or after the marriage I still worried about it. What if I got too careless with her heart and she left me? I didn't want to lose her. What if she just said yes cause the sex is good? What then cause I won't be able to do that kind of stuff forever? What if- I brought out of my trance by a knock on my recording room door.

It was my mother. "Hey you ok?" I gave her a funny look "yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She leaned on the doorframe "because I asked you a question ten minutes ago and you didn't answer me. What's on your mind?" I shook my head "nothing. I was just thinking really hard about some lyrics is all." She knew better and gave me a signature mother look "ok so I'm a little worried and nervous about a few things but they'll work themselves out." I turned back to my computer that had gone dark and sighed "what are you worried about?" I shrugged "its not important. Something stupid." She sighed "Y/n you can't just bottle everything up and-" I sighed not wanting to hear what she was going to say "I normally don't mom. I just have been a bit stressed about the wedding and all and it's made me overthink more often than not. Dont worry about it." She sighed again "ok fine. Whatever you say." I could tell I upset her as she walked off.

"Hey is Y/n here?" It was Luisa "yeah in his recording room. He's not in a good mood." "Oh ok." She knocked gently on my door before opening it and walking in "hey, you ok?" I was already getting tired of being asked that "yeah I'm fine." It came out snappier then I expected "...sorry." she walked over to me "it's ok. What's got you so upset?" I shook my head and sighed as I started to bounce my leg "im just over thinking alot." She leaned down so her chin was on the top of my head "like what?" Why did I want to start crying when she asked me that? I mean today's been nothing but shit, but crying? That doesn't make sense to me.

"Just a few stupid things. Well your not stupid, but a few others things are." She ran her hands down my torso "why are you overthinking about me mi amor?" I groaned "I just- I'll tell you tonight. I'll feel better talking about it then." She nodded then kissed my cheek "well Willow wanted to come see you, so I told her I'd bring her to see you." She stood up straight and I turned in my chair so I was facing her before Willow ran in and jumped on my lap "hi mija." She wrapped her arms around my neck "hi daddy." I hugged her back "can I help you work on a song?" I smiled at her "sure. What one?" I turned to my computer as she sat in my lap "that one!" I clicked on it "I dont have the words written down for it. Should I just go for it?" She giggled and nodded "I dont know. I'm not very creative when I have to just come up with something." She smiled at me "just sing what your feeling in your heart. I'm sure it'll be good. Your amazing at everything you do dad!"

I covered my eyes and felt myself choke up for a second "He is isnt he?" I moved my hand and looked between Willow and Luisa, who now leaned on my desk, and they both smiled at me "ok have Luisa sit with you in my chair and I'll go stand in there and sing ok?" She nodded and I handed her to Luisa who sat down in my chair as I got ready and thought about what I wanted to do then once I got a good idea I gave them a thumbs up "can you push that button?" Luisa pointed at it and Willow pushed it "k, can you turn this knob to right here and push this button too?" Willow did it "look at you. Already a pro." Willow giggled "can you push these two things all the way up and that one all the way down?" She nodded and did it. She may be 5, but sometimes you have to treat her like she was younger after some of the stuff her 'mother' did to her "high-five." She gave Luisa a high-five then ushe done last button and the music started.

"I thoufhr by now id have it figured out. How not to.make the easy thi gs so hard to do. I bet that I'd be further down this road of I could read the signs that point me to the truth. I never planned on bein nothing but a cowboy, but somewhere I picked up this old guitar and girl all I can say is that I'm sorry, if I get kinda careless with your heart. All the headlights and the midnights. Chasin all that empty still ain't got it right. All the crazy all the gypsy. I guess all I'm saying Is forgive me if I really don't know what I'm doing, I'm still learnin to be human." Willow clapped and Luisa gave me a concerned look as she could hear the difference in my voice, so she turned the music off "Y/n, talk to me." I sighed "it can wait." She sat Willow down "go to your mamaw ok?" Willow nodded and Luisa shut the door behind her.

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