Pt 44 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: a little blow job or something somewhere in here ;)

"Samuel's missing?" Abuela sounded so concerned "any idea what could've happened?" I did. "Hey, Luisa?" Y/n put an arm around me "si?" He leaned in close then whispered in my ear "he's twenty-thee miles southwest from here." I looked at him "is he ok?" He nodded "yeah, I didn't do much to him. I mean I thought about it, but figured you wouldn't forgive me if I did worse then I did." I gave him a little bit of a glare as he guided us towards my room "what all did you do to him?" He only glanced at me before sighing "I only broke a few of his fingers, Casey broke one of his ankles, it was am accident, but he for sure has a busted nose and a black eye. We didn't do anything other then that." I wanted to be mad at Y/n, but I wanted to feel bad for him, but I also wanted to ignore Y/n, but then another part of me wanted something else.

"Y/n it was unnecessary to do that then abandon him in the middle of nowhere when he's in pain." He glanced down at me again "we gave him one of your mamás arepas. The most we did was rebrake his most important fingers like this one, this one, and this one, then his nose." I groaned "Y/n you can't-" I sighed "Y/n I understand how you feel about men who hit woman or harass them inappropriately, but did you really have to do all this?" I watched him clench his jaw "you gave me the chance slash option to beat him to a bloody pulp which would've been much worse then this, but I didn't. I held back and respected the fact you didn't want much to happen to him. You either take it or you leave it." He removed his arm from around me and refused to take my hand when I tried to take his. He even walked away from me completely. Damn he's moody today. He has been, but today it just seemed extra.

"Y/n?" He ignored me "Y/n?" He continued to ignore me no matter how many times I said his name, but I knew he was listening and heard me. "Y/n, do I need to give you head?" He spun and looked at me so quick "what makes you think I need it?" I could see in his eyes he was saying yes, but the rest of him wasn't "cause your being a dick. You have been the last few days." He rolled his eyes then went up the stairs towards my room, not answering my question, so I followed him.

"Y/n just answer me." He tried shutting my door between us and Casita kept it from happening as he plopped down on my bed and pulled out his phone "Y/n M/n L/n answer my question." He smirked and continued to ignore me "ok fine. Maybe I'll just go tell Abuela what you did and where he's at and-" he looked up at me "go ahead. She already thinks I'm a failure I'm sure." I huffed "ok thats it." I started towards him and he acted like he couldn't see me.

I took his phone from him and tossed it across the room as I pushed him down and crawled on top of him. His face was beyond red which wasn't normal. "Are you going to answer me?" He nodded "yes ma'am." I raised a brow "whats your answer then?" He swallowed hard "I may need a little bit." I shrugged "well too bad. You ignored me." I went to crawl off him and he whined and grabbed onto my hips "please?" Was he seriously doing this right now? "Darlin I'm sorry. I can go get Samuel tomorrow and I'll listen to you better, so please?" I giggled "ok fine." I leaned down and kissed him and he moaned into the kiss, that was unusual too.

"Someone's missed this." To be fair since he had that surgery we haven't done anything, so that would be my only guess as to why he was being so much more vocal and...wanting? Eager? I wasn't sure what to classify it under.

NSFW below this

"Mm" I nipped at his neck then went back to kissing him while I did my best to get his belt undone and put of his pants "Luisa, fuck" I undid his pants and grabbed him through his underwear and pumped a few times "god" his breath hitched and he bit his lip "so vocal tonight." I started to unbutton his shirt and kissed down his body until I reached his hard member and quite literally tore his pants and underwear off and he chuckled "its a good thing you took my belt out." I licked from his base to his tip then swirled my tongue around his tip as he sat up on his elbows.

"Mmhh" I kissed his tip then down his shaft and old hear him hold his breath for a moment as I took him in mouth slowly. I went all the way to his base and I watched him tilt his head back and let out a groan as I went back to his tip and did it again. I gagged when I did it but it was a turn on seeing him like this. "Dont hurt yourself darlin." I removed him from my mouth and he placed his hand on my cheek "but I like seeing you like this." He smiled as he removed his hand "then by all it again." So I did.

I'd take breaks from it to just bob my head and pump with my hand, but nothing got him to moan or groan like when I deepthroated him. "God damn, I'm gonna cum Luisa." As I went all the way to his base I felt his hand entine in my hair for the second time and I heard my room door open "hey Luisa, sweetheart, can you help us wi- OH MY HEAVENS!" It was Y/ns mother, and to make matters worse Y/n came at that exact moment and I couldn't help, but cough as his semen squirted into my throat and I had a hard time swallowing it cause it wasnt exactly a little amount. "I'll give you two some privacy." She sounded so embarrassed and I refused to look at her as she shut my door and left.
(let's say her door is at the end of her bed)

I made sure to lick any cum left on his cock off then went to find his mother who I was sure was still in Casita somewhere. "But darlin I-" I looked at him "just give me minute and I'll be back. Ok?" He nodded and bit his lip as I popped a breath mint in my mouth.

Safe past here

"Señorita L/n?" When she looked at me her face was red and she had a hard time speaking to me. "Y-yes L-Luisa?" She looked away from me "what did you need help with?" I could feel my face heating up as the embarrassment of being caught set in. "U-uhm, you know what? We-we-we uh we got it. Don't worry about it. You can go back to uh...Y/n. Hes been being a little rude latelyand uhm...I-I am sure whe-when your done he'll be in a uh...better mood yeah, better mood, so you cam go back to sucking him off- I-I mean spending time with him." I was sure I looked like a tomato as some of my family stood and stared at us funny "wait what happened?" At the same time me and his mother slightly yelled "NOTHING!" I immediately felt bad for yelling though and apologized "sorry I didn't mean to yell, what we meant was nothing happened, right Señora?" She looked at me then nodded vigorously.

"Right Luisa, anyway you can go now we got this undercontrol. Go make a boy with my son- I mean go have fun with my boy." She started to gently push me towards the stairs "Casita help me out here." Casita helped her get me moving before I finally gave in "ok ok fine, I'm going." She nodded "good."

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