Pt 49

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November seemed to show up really fast and with it came all my family members once again.

"Hola Luisa! Have you lost weight? You look skinnier then last year." Aunt Ava was so concerned about her losing weight, not concerned as in 'how did you do it and why' but concerned as in 'are you ok?' And I thought it was sweet of her. "I might have. A couple things have changed in the last few months, so it's a possibility." She sighed relieved "I just wanted to make sure you were ok." She hugged Luisa and I watched Luisas eyes fill with tears "Luisa darlin it's ok, don't cry." I rubbed her back once aunt Ava let her go "oh honey what's wrong?" She shookher head and sniffled "it's nothing I just have been a bit emotional leading up to the wedding." Good cover up. I wouldn't have thought of that. "So was I dear. It'll all be done soon, I promise."

"Hola señora Serenity." We were currently welcoming everyone off the plane as they all flew in at once "mommy, daddy!" Willow ran over and we squatted down to hug her "how old are you now? Six, seven?" She giggled "I'm six and there's a boy in my class that really likes me." I pulled a funny face and she laughed "no boys until I'm dead." I heard Luisa sniffle "aw Luisa." I stood up and wrapped my arms around her as she also wrapped hers around me "she called me mommy again a-and a boy has a crush on her." She was muffled by my shoulder as she sobbed into it.

"Is she ok?" I looked down at Willow "yeah she's ok." Suddenly everyone was staring at us as Luisa squoze me and I thought she was going to shatter everything "Luisa, your squeezing me too hard." She loosened her grip, but continued to sob on my shoulder "lets get you to Casita. We've already welcomed everyone." She nodded and her bottom lip trembled "okay." I walked with her all the way to Casita and sat with her for a while before I left to help everyone set stuff up, which was the dinner for tonight, but I wasnt sure Luisa could handle it with everyone there. Including the evil aunts and its just going to be my family.

At dinner

"So Luisa, Ava told us your emotional leading up to the wedding, why?" She looked at me "uh..." Dolores knew our secret, but everyone else didn't yet "w-well I'm just a little stressed so it makes me emotional sometimes. I also can't believe it's been a year since Y/n proposed to me." I grabbed her hand under the table as she threatened to start crying again "how did he propose? You never told us." She glanced at me then took a deep breath "it's a little personal. I don't like sharing it." My family rolled their eyes when my dad spoke up "its not like you guys had sex then he proposed laying next to you." We glanced at eachother then looked down at our plates "Y/n M/n L/n!" I laughed nervously "ok to be fair I was going to take her out to dinner originally or on some cute little date, but we watched 8 seconds then she told me because it made her cry I needed to make it up to her, so it all just kinda happened a little fast."

They all laughed "fuck Y/n. Here we thought you were the romantic one out of you and your brothers." I shrugged "she didn't care. She still said yes while she bawled her damn eyes out."

As we continued to eat I made sure to keep most of the attention off Luisa if I could, but disaster struck when I watched as Luisa took a bite of something and almost immediately spit it back out onto her plate before running to the bathroom where she coughed and dry heaved until she actually puked. "Are you ok darlin?" I rubbed her back "yeah I just- I don't know what that was about, something had a weird texture and-" she threw up some more thinking about it "it's ok. I'll go see what it was." I went back to the table and found the culprit, a single bite of egg in the middle of her mashed potatoes my mom helped me make "who made something with eggs?" Lilah raised her hand "I made ham and fried rice with eggs in it, does Luisa not like eggs?" How should I answer this? "Uh well it's not that she doesnt like them, she just um..." they're gonna tell I'm hiding something "they have to be cooked just right in order for her to eat them. She's always been that way."

When Luisa came back everyone looked at her, each person having different looks "you know I think I do notice something different." Aunt GG not now. Luisa will murder you. "Whats that?" Oh no. That was very aggressive Luisa. "You've lost your appetite so you can weigh less and have more of a chance to conceive a child." I stood up as Luisas face went red "Luisa its ok, just walk away. Don't give her the reaction she wants."

She looked at me and I looked away from her not wanting her to rip into me "I don't need to lose weight to conceive a child like your saying and I didn't lose my appetite for that reason either. Infact I haven't lost my apatite at all, its grown, unlike your relationship with your husband and kids, which may I need remind you are 25, 24, 22, 13, 7, 6, and 5 plus you have another on the way. ¿No caminaste con los dinosaurios cuando eras niño? Tienes que dejar de producir el estúpido gen y déjanos el bebé haciendo a mí y a Y/n que tenemos uno en camino. Y ni siquiera me hagas comenzar con el hecho de que estás a punto de traer otro a tu familia de mierda!" I held back from laughing as Luisa huffed then looked at me "can you please get me another chair!? I broke this one." She had got so mad she had gripped the chair hard enough it shattered into splinters under her grasp "yes I will. I just need to clean this up first."

I grabbed the broom from the closet around the corner and when I turned around Lilah was right in my face and I almost smashed our heads together "God damnit Lilah. What?" She was all giddy and had a stupid grin in her face "is it true?" I looked from side to side with my brows furrowed in confusion "is what true?" She huffed and rolled her eyes "is Luisa pregnant?" She lowered her voice to a whisper "I can't confirm nor deny that." She groaned "come on, please?" I shook my head as we walked back around the corner "Y/n please!" I shook my head again as I swept up the wood from the chair "uh no." She pouted "why not?" I sighed and looked at her "because your not Lilah, Camilo." I flicked his forehead as he changed back into himself "come on! Tia and mamá are dying to know."

I hummed "I know they are and just like everyone else they can wait for the answer. Only Dolores, Agustin, Felix, and Casey know the answer." My family stared at me weird "know what?" Bruno just nonchalantly strolled past "if Luisa is pregnant or not." I just wanted to know why Bruno and Camilo were over here at my old house.

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