Pt 26

131 2 0

Warnings ⚠️: sexual tension, but not bad.

"Y/n why did you choose me? Why do you love me like you do?" You shrugged as you laid in the bed between Luisa and the others "i chose you because you see past all my flaws and dont pick me apart or degrade me for them and I dont know. Cause the skys blue? Is that a good enough reason?" She giggled "I don't know, it just doesn't make sense to me on why you'd choose me to love or give your attention to. There's so many other girls that'd be a better fit for you." You were quiet "that may be so in your eyes, but its not in mine. Your perfect to me and I can't ask for a better girl to see everyday or come home to some days." She sighed "it just doesn't-" you kissed her to make her quiet "don't dwell on it darlin. It'll all make sense to you one day. When that day comes I'll probably be able to explain it better too."

"Luisa what are you doing?" The 'next morning' had rolled around and you woke up to a...surprise. "Luisa, hey, don't do that." You heard her giggle as she grinned on you and you pushed her off you in a gentle manner "I love your morning voice. It's so sexy." You chuckled "is that why you woke me up?" You looked at the time "its three in the mornin Lu." She giggled again "I know." You both had kept everything at about a whisper. "A perfect time for you to-" you chuckled again and rolled over onto your stomach to hide your small erection she had created "a perfect time for me to go back to bed. That's what it is." She giggled "come on Y/n please?" You looked at her "please what? What do you want?" Enough light from the moon was getting in you could see her face as she bit her lip in a seductive matter "I want you." You took in a sharp breath as you placed your face into the pillow.

You turned and looked at her once more "ok, but how are we going to do this? Both your sisters are on each side of us and Lilah is at the foot of the bed." She shrugged "I dont know." I chuckled "we can continue this conversation later. I'm going back to sleep. Take care of yourself for me darlin. Make sure only I can hear." She bit her lip and whimpered making you smirk as she laid down with her back to you and covered herself back up with the blankets.

You got up before everyone else and left by managing to crawl over Lilah, but Luisa noticed your lack of presence within five minutes of you shutting the door. Mainly because you produced alot of body heat when you slept and she was cold.

L: why'd you leave? 🥺
Y: because I have work to do. Sorry I couldn't stay.
L: well I'm cold can you come back and cuddle me?
Y: no I can't. I'm sorry. You can come by tonight though and I'll make sure your nice and warm before you have to go home 😉
L: 😳 I like that idea
Y: I told you we'd continue this conversation later.
L: yeah, but I thought you forgot about it.
Y: of course I didn't. You were the one to instigate it, so I'm nor forgetting thaf
Y: *not *that
L: do you have to get hay down for the donkeys?
Y: uh yeah, why?
L: would you kind if I swung by and took a small recording of you tossing a few bales down?
L: *mind
Y: no, but what are you using it for?
L: there's this trend going around on TikTok and I need a clip of you for it.
Y: yeah thats fine just cause I have one I need to do with you anyway cause I lost a bet to Casey.
L: it's not bad is it?
Y: depends on what you consider bad.
L: I'll just see you then.
Y: ok love you
L: love you too.

She was honestly nervous about yours, but blew it off for most of the day until she met up with you. "¿Deberíamos hacer el mío o el tuyo primero?" You looked at her from the loft "probably yours first since I'm up here." She nodded then you waited until she gave you the cue to grab a bale or two and toss it/them down "how'd you get so good at that?" You shrugged "same way I got good at anything else. I gained experience through doing it." You climbed down and she put her phone away then you sat yours up once you found a good spot "ok here's the deal, I lost a bet to Casey and he told me I have to do this trend with you then post it, but depending on your reaction depends on if I post it with music or not." She raised a brow in a questioning manner "depending on my reaction?" You nodded "yeah."

You hit record then explained it to her. She didnt unserstamd your first explanation, so you went for a second one. "Ok fold your hands like someone when they pray." She folded th correctly that time "ok now raise only your fingers on one hand." You ended up showing her with your hands "oh ok. Like this?" She held her hands out and you nodded before grabbing it and putting them above her and pinning her against the wall. She naturally raised a leg to wrap around you, but moaned when you pinned her.

"Fuck" you looked at her wide eyed "want something?" She blushed and nodded "yeah." You smirked "ok, but I'm not turning my phone off." She nodded "that's fine. I just...I can't wait any longer, please." She had a hint of whine to her voice "your wish is my command mi princesa." She bit her lip as her breathing picked up "dont worry about being quiet this time. I want everyone to know."

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