Pt 5

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You weren't going to have your personal horses here long, but you spent a fortune to get them here and pay ahead of time to get them shipped all the way back home simply because you weren't even out of the hospital a few hours when the little girl originally spoke to you herself then a few hours later Alma spoke to you about it, so you had got it arranged right after the girl spoke to you to get them shipped here.

"Uh Y/n?" You looked at Casey as you saddled up your best horses "yeah?" He pointed at the smaller saddle "why does that one have buckles and straps on it?" You shrugged "you'll have to wait and see just like everyone else. Go wait with everyone else of the town." He rolled his eyes "your so secretive. You don't need to be." You looked at him with a deadpan look "because you've got a big mouth. That's why I'm secretive." He only sighed and rolled his eyes once more before walking out of the barn. "Y/n what's your surp...rise?" Alma looked at the horses then you and back a few times before she looked at you and only you "you..." she walked closer "your doing an amazing thing. I hope you know that. Her and her parents are going to be overjoyed. I'll go wait with the others now."

You mentally prepared yourself to go out infront of everyone as it's been a while for you, but not too long luckily. "Come on babes." They followed you willing like they've always done as you lead them to a small spot where you warmed them up before riding them over to where everyone was then climbed off infromt of Eva and her parents.

"Señor and señora Gonzalez. Is it ok if I stick your daughter on one of my horses?" They had tears in their eyes and nodded as they held them back "Eva what do you say?" You had kneeled down infront of her "you did this for me?" You glanced around at everyone then back to her "yeah I did. You told me it was your dream, so here they are." She burst into tears as she wrapped her arms around your neck in a hug "thank you Y/n." You were a tough guy, but having a sick child who was on deaths door step hug you and thank you while crying had you choked up "come on lets help you learn first ok?" She nodded "Luisa?" She emerged from the crowd "can you hand her to me once I'm on?" She nodded and noticed the tears that threatened to fall, once you were in the saddle that was. "Ready?" You nodded "yeah." She picked her up and handed her to you "now this one is your problem temporarily." You handed her the lead rope to the 2nd one as you rode into the small pen with the girl infront of you in the saddle.

"Ready? I'm gonna hang onto you so you won't fall off." She nodded and had the biggest grin when she looked up at you. The horse started to trot and she grabbed onto the saddle horn when it did, while you kept the reins in one hand and held into her with your other as the horse started to now lope and work its way into a fast run "you ready?" You felt her nod "ok." You gave the horse a special que and it did a sliding stop. You repeated this with a few fancy spins thrown in there too until she didn't lean on you at all and pushed you hand away that held onto her. "How about you get your own horse?" She looked at you the best she could "is that why you have two!?" You chuckled "yeah thats why. Let's go get him for you."

You went over and got the 2nd one from Luisa "ok I'm going to strap these onto your legs to make sure you don't fall off ok?" She nodded "tell me if they feel too tight. I dont want to hurt you." You tightened them down to where you would with your son back home and she didn't say anything and they didn't seem loose at all so you didn't adjust them at all.

"Ok I'm going to walk you through what you need to do. Brute here is an older boy. He's seen just about everything under the sun. He's raised me from when I was a kid. He's twenty six this year, so he'll take care of you and do whatever you want him to. Don't let his name intimidated you either. He's just a big baby. You make him go you squeeze your legs like this and make a kiss sound ok? You do that to make him go faster too. To make him stop you pull back on these and say woah. To make him slide you pull back, push your legs a bit forward in the stirrups like this and relax in the saddle, so you sit down. If you just pull back and not say anything he will still slide, but not as far. This old boy was a world champion when he was younger. He can slide up to thirty feet if not further." She nodded as she listened to you "ok now let's go." You climbed back on your horse and lead her around for a little while until she felt comfortable enough to do everything on her own.

"I'm ready to do it myself." You smiled "alright. The lead rope is unclipped. Go for it." She immediately rode off as you sat on your horse and watched her. You allowed her to ride around until she was content with life, it seemed, and you did ride around with her since she begged you several times. "I'll race you to the other end." You smiled "your on." By now everyone had disapaited and it left just one person who was so mesmerized by everything they wouldn't leave.

You found something to mark as the start and finish line then rode over and told her where to go "just one lap? Can't we do two?" You smiled at her, but shook your head "no. My young boy here can't do two laps. You'll surely beat me." She giggled "really?" You nodded "for sure. I mean look at him. He's too scrawny to win." Your horse reached back and nipped at your foot and you yanked your foot back right into his flank sending him into a bucking fit, so you held on tight and let him know you weren't coming off no matter how hard he tried.

"Come on you little fucker, I know you can buck harder then that." In the commotion, Luisa who was walking by, ran over and took Brute by the reins and lead him out as Eva didn't know what to do in that moment other then watch. "Come on mija we need to get you two out of here." She walked as fast as she could out of the pen then took Eva off the horse and sat her down next to her "Dolores I need help here." Within seconds Camilo was there to take Eva home and the horse you were riding was still having a fit. At one point he stopped bucking and stood still, but once you went to climb off started to buck again "oh come on, you little ass hat. Stop fuckin buckin." Your accent came through proud and true when you got pissed and it just happened to come through right before you came out of the saddle.

Your horse landed hard then jumped and spun which wasn't normal for horses when they bucked. It was more of a bulls way of bucking and it through you off completely, quite literally, and when you came off your shirt caught the saddle horn and tore off in two pieces as you hit the ground and covered your head to ensure that if he landed on you it wouldn't kill you immediately or hurt you too bad period. Just like you knew he would, all four feet landed on you and knocked the wind out of you, so you laid on the ground a moment to catch your breath only to see Luisas face come into view. "Are you ok?" You nodded and sat up slowly "yeah-oh that hurt." You rubbed the shoulder you landed on before coming to a realization you didn't have a shirt on.

"Hey Luisa have you seen- oi mamacita your hot." Isabella eyed you from the back as you reached for your hat to put it back on "thanks" you stood up and popped your back "I get it alot." You rolled your eyes when you said it and Isabella scoffed "well you are! Luisa settle this argument." You raised a brow at them both "oh so this is an argument is it?" Luisa refused to look at you and Isa wouldn't stop checking you out "come on Luisa help me out here." She looked at her sister then to you who was working on catching your horse "I uh...I'm not going to be part of this."

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