Pt 51

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"Hey! I told you you couldn't do that." Luisa watched Willow jump and look at you, who just got stern with her, as she attempted to climb some shelving to get to her toy she tossed up on the top "get down." She looked up then back to you before climbing up another shelf "Willow you better get down and listen to your dad." Your parents decided to move to Encanto into your old house "but my dolls up there." She pouted at you and Luisa "shes up there because you didn't listen to me and she can stay up there until you start listenin." You grabbed Willow and pulled her off the shelves, but it was a mistake because she started screaming and crying and kicking and hitting and flailing, even after you sat her down.

You sighed after putting up with it for about ten minutes before spinning and letting out "THATS ENOUGH!" Making Willow stop screaming and look at you. You had tried talking to her gently and nicely a few times, but she would just scream over you. Same thing when Luisa tried. "Sit down. Now." She climbed up in the chair that sat next to Luisas and looked at you as you continued to fix the cupboard Luisa accidentally broke. Both her and Luisa watched you until you sighed yet again and turned to look at Willow who was crying quietly because you yelled at her.

"Look Willow I don't like yelling ok?" You knelt down infront of her as you spoke and she nodded "but you've been having a hard time listening today. I understand tossing your doll up and catching her is fun, but I told you not to do it multiple times because she was going to land on the top shelf and what happened?" She sniffled "she landed on the top shelf." You nodded "exactly and when you first tried climbing the shelves they almost fell on you, after I told you not to do it because of that reason right?" She nodded again "right." You placed your hands on her arms "and when you tried climbing it again and again and again in less then five minutes I told you the same thing every time."

Luisa liked seeing this side of you. It was a side she only ever seen once before "I love you Willow and that's why I try stopping you from doing something that could hurt you. I didn't want to take your doll away because you were having fun, but the next time I tell you not to do something, don't do it. Do you understand me?" She sniffled "yes I do. Can I have my doll back if I don't toss her again?" You nodded "yes you can." You stood up and grabbed it before handing it to Willow who left to go play with Antonio and his animal friends.

You stood in the middle of the room a moment before looking at Luisa who had been staring at you a while "what?" She got flustered "n-nothing." You knew better and raised a brow at her "its just the way you demanded her to sit down after yelling at her, it made me want to obey you." You laughed "probably cause I've used that tone with you before, more then once when you want to try takin over in the bedroom." You grabbed the chair next to her and spun it so the back of it was facing her and your legs were on either side of the back of the chair "what are you looking at me like that for?" You shrugged with a grin "can I not just admire you?"

"Not if it's after a conversation like we just had." You shook your head "scared I'm gonna demand you to do somethin?" She nodded "dont be scared about it. The worse I'll ever do out in the open is tell you to get closer or get on the table, etcetera. Unless you really push my buttons, but in short don't worry about it." You stood up and put the chair back where it was "well maybe I want you to do it." You chuckled "well maybe I'll do it if you keep talkin to me while I'm trying to get work done." Cue the light bulb moment she had.

"Well is there any way I can help you fix the cupboard?" You shook your head "well is there any way I can help you by holding your hat?" She proceeded to ask you stupid questions like this until you were done fixing the cupboard "Luisa, please stop asking me dumb questions." She stood up when you looked at her "what if I don't want to?" You shrugged "than I'll make you stop." You put your tools away and closed the toolbox "well what if I want you to make me stop?" She popped her hip out with a bit of attitude.

"Look Luisa I dont want to do this right now, just stop." You got a little attitude when you said it "sorry I'll just bother you another day." You sighed as she walked off "Luisa darlin I didn't mean-" you shook your head and followed her "Luisa I didn't mean to upset you, I just ain't in the mood right now." She glanced over her shoulder "im not upset." You knew that was a lie. She was very tender hearted and things got to her easily. "I know that's a lie." You took her hand in yours "I know all too well that that's a lie." You ran your thumb across the back of her hand "I'll let you smack me with a tortilla." She looked at you with a smirk "come on. I'll have Casey record it."

Casey handed you and her a tortilla then stood back "ok go." You waited for a smack but it never came, so you opened your eyes to see her waiting for one too "damnit Luisa." You all started to laugh "you go first." You sighed "but I don't wanna hit ya." She gave you a certain look "ok, but I'll just do it gently." You hit her as carefully as you could with the tortilla and she giggled "you're not going ro hurt me if you hit me harder then that." Your eyes got wide "I know that, but I don't want to break my hand miss I can smash a boulder over my head and not even bruise." She rolled her eyes "ok my turn."

You stood up straight and stared her in the face as she decided how hard she wanted to hit you with it then you watched her cock her arm back and you didn't think much of it, that was until you felt the slap and actually hit the ground "holy shit, are you ok?" You laid there a moment stunned before answering him "yeah I'm ok it just...damn that was something else." She looked at you concerned "I didn't hurt you did I?" You shook your head as you sat up "no, but you damn near knocked my head off my shoulders."

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