Pt 66

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"No dad I'm not doing that!" Willow yelled at you after you asked her to pick up her toys you just tripped on "can you please move them out of the walk way at least?" She shook her head "no!" You took a deep breath then let it out slow "ok thats fine. I'll just do it myself and you don't get them back for a week then." She paused "but...wait, no I'll do it." She moved them out of the way then looked at you "you know dad, Bruno says he had a vision the other day and I was holding a baby. A big baby and everyone was saying he was a very special baby. Bruno said it was my little brother, but mom isn't pregnant, so how can it be my little brother?" You sighed and sat on the floor next to her after a moment, trying to find the rights words to explain everything.

"Bruno also said he had a vision of you protecting me and mom from someone and getting really hurt and mom almost lost the baby from stress and being so scared. Well technically he said it was part of his vision of me holding the baby, but everyone was saying he was a rainbow baby and that he was so special because he was born with his gifts, but he wouldn't get a door until he was five like everyone else. He also looked like a normal baby to me, he didn't look like a rainbow." You really had to find the right words now. "Well Willow uh..." you huffed "first off, did you use Dolores' gift to hear what Bruno was tellin Abuela Alma?" She nodded knowing she shouldn't have done it "yeah I did." She stuck her head down "your not in trouble, but...I cant really explain some of the things you told me about in a way that you'd fully understand. I also don't really want you knowin what they mean right now anyways."

She leaned into your side. "However, Bruno can see a long ways into the future. There's really no tellin when all that will happen. It could be this year and it could be several years from now and-" she shook her head and looked up at you, but didn't move away from your side. "Bruno said it was all within this year and next year. Mainly this year." You knew where you were headed this morning after this conversation. "Oh boy. You have to promise me you don't tell your mom about this ok?" She nodded and moved away from you as you stood up "I will be right back."

On your way to the stairs you passed you and Luisas room and poked your head in to see if she was awake yet, she was just getting out of the bed "Luisa doll, don't use the bathroom yet." She looked at you confused "¿por qué?" You rambled through your mind for an excuse "I'll tell you when I get back from the store, just don't use the bathroom until I get back." She sighed slightly annoyed "I won't, but please hurry. I feel like I'm going to explode." You gave her a thumbs up as you darted out the door.

You made sure to hurry and when you got back tossed her the tests "why did you- you know what never mind. I'll hear it when im done." When she came out of the bathroom she tossed you the test "happy now?" Her moods had been up and down horribly, but you jad just ignored them the last couple days "Luisa did you even look at it?" She shook her head "well come look at it with me. I'll just come to you." You walked over to her and flipped it over "it says negative. Whyd you have me take it?" You sighed and explained everything to her "I haven't been thT bad have I?" You nodded "you have." She rubbed the back of her neck "sorry I've just been a little stressed this week is all and I haven't met to take it out on anyone." You hugged her "its ok. We've all been there before. I understand and forgive you."

She hugged you back then nonchalantly picked you up and threw you on the bed before smirking at you "no." She scoffed "why?" You scooted up the bed as she got closer "because I need to be to work in ten minutes." You slid off the bed and put it between you and her "do it right and we'll only need five minutes." She bit her lip "later, ok?" She sighed "ok fine, but you better hold up to it." You rolled your eyes as you started out the door "I will, but no funny business or else it's nothin that you get." She huffed "ok fine. Fun killer."

Time skip- four months later

"Luisa are-" you winced as you made your way towards her "are you ok?" She nodded "what about Willow?" She nodded "good. Now get out of here." You put pressure on your stomach in an attempt to stop the blood and Luisa put her hand on yours "come on Y/n, where's that fighting and sharp shooting attitude now?" You looked down at your hand and stomach as you leaned against a wall after leading the guy away from the two girls.

You were going in and out of consciousness from the amount of blood you lost "daddy I'm scared." You looked down to see Willow had ahold of your free hand "It's ok baby. Where's mommy?" She pointed towards Casita "why didn't you go with your mom?" You started to look around because it went quiet. "Because she said to stay here." You looked towards Casita to see him walking towards it and you panicked "stay here with Camilo, ok Willow. Don't move." She nodded as Camilo kneeled down next to her and you ran towards the man. Everything hurt and you had several bullet and knife wounds, but you only worried about the one.

"Mateo!" He spun and looked at you "oh you finally decided to show and quit being a pussy." You pulled your pistol out of it's holster "I've already killed three men including your brother, dont make it four." He 'shook' in a sarcastic way "oh I'm so scared. I know it's empty. It don't scare me." He hit it out of your hand and put his against your chin "but this one's not. How about we see what will happen to that handsome face of yours if I pull this trigger." He cocked it and you gritted your teeth "do it. I have nothin left to prove here. I'm the one that's the easy take down, but I can promise you that woman I call my wife may seem scared and harmless and innocent now, but if you pull that trigger you won't know what hit ya." You swallowed hard "besides, I'm not the one you gotta be scared of." A gunshot rang through the ears of everyone, most flinched, others looked away, and Camilo covered Willows eyes as you fell to the ground.

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