Pt 65

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It took a couple months, but Y/n announced that he'd be doing a few shows in the U.S and offered to take me with him. I wanted to say yes, but I was scared to leave Encanto.

"I don't know Y/n. I'm nervous to leave home. What if they need me?" He shrugged "you don't have to stay the whole time darlin. Just a few days, but if you want to stay here you can. I won't be upset about it." I looked at the ground "I know you won't be, but I'll feel bad if I don't go with you. You're offering me a chance to do something I've always wanted to do, but I'm scared to leave. What if something happens while we're both gone?" He gave me a 'really?' Look and I tossed my arms up "well it's better to think of it now." He rolled his eyes "I know, but ain't nothin gonna happen."

The silence was unbearable for me, so I finally broke it "mi amor?" He hummed as he helped Willow play a game on his phone "what's something that will forever be stuck in your brain because it was embarrassing or just something along those lines?" He looked at me and scratched the back of his neck "probably when this one chick I was with called in the middle of a important interview." I cocked my head "what's so bad about her calling?" He laughed nervously "her ring tone was 'Drop em out' by Wheeler Walker Jr. Let's just say the managers and owners weren't happy about that and didn't see me mature enough for the job after I explained why that was her ring tone. They asked so I answered and they didnt like the answer."

I raised a brow "isn't that the one that goes-" he cut me off "drop em out let me see them titties gonna take a long look at those tig ol bitties and so on and so forth? Yeah that one." I giggled "why was it her ring tone?" He did an uncomfortable laugh "she was kind of a...I don't want to be mean, but she was kind of a slut at the time and of you wanted to touch them she'd let you. You wanted to get with her, she'd let you. She was mainly known for people wanting to see her tits though, so I did, that, and others didn't like it very much. What about you?" I shrugged "probably when your mom walked in on us. My family won't usually bring it up and just let it be something between us unless they catch us kissing like papa did, but your mom still hasn't let me live that down." Willow looked at us "can I ask a question?" We both nodded.

"Can we watch Wonder Park?" Y/n nodded "yeah of course. Let me just do this one thing real fast." He started to tickle her "dad stop!" She laughed and wiggled under him "I can't breathe." He continued to tickle her until she almost couldnt breathe then huffed and sat back after a minute, so I grabbed him from behind. "Get him Willow!" She started to tickle him back "hey that's not fair!" He squirmed in my grip as she tickled his sides "h-hey." He started to giggle and laugh "ok ok. I wave a white flag. I surrender."

We decided to tickle him a little longer before letting him go "teaming up on me, I can't believe you two." He folded his arms and huffed, but turned which hid his face so I couldn't see his smirk. This happy and joking mood quickly crashed though when Willow went to jump on the bed and lost her balance, landing in Y/ns lap, kneeing him in the crotch "oh come on." He groaned and cussed under his breath. As soon as she did it she started to apologize.

"I'm so sorry dad. I didn't mean to. I'm not in trouble am I? I'm so sorry." She repeated the same things over and over again and tears threatened to fall from her eyes "it's ok, Willow, hey, it's ok babes." It took him a moment to be able to speak and get her attention "are you sure?" He nodded and pulled her into a hug "im sure honey. Now how about we watch that movie?" She smiled and cuddled up into his side before I picked them both up and placed them between my legs and wrapped my arms around both of them.

Some of the parts of the movie was funny and Y/n actually laughed at them. He didn't truly laugh often, but when he did, it was contagious. "You realize thats you, right dad?" He chuckled "yeah I do. I'm a pretty big cluts." I laughed as the bear ran aprind with the porcupine stuck to his hand, then his foot "you know who it reminds me of?" They both looked at me "who?" I tried to stop my giggles from slipping out "my papa." Y/n and Willow both lost it "fuck Luisa. Now that you say that, it does." I laughed with them.

A couple hours after the movie ended I found myself waking up with the other two still in their places and fast alseep like I was. The only difference was Y/n had rolled over onto his stomach and had Willow under one arm and his other wrapped around me and both of their heads were resting on my body, Y/ns on my chest and Willows on my stomach. Both of them were snoring and Y/n was drooling, severely. I checked the time and it was midnight, so we had missed dinner.

"Y/n." I rubbed my hand on his back "Yy/nn." He gave the tiniest groan "hm?" He didn't open his eyes "we need to move Willow to her room." He was quiet for so long I thought he fell back to sleep "no. She can...she can stay in here with us." He rolled onto his back and sat up "that's fine, but you need to get out of your jeans." He took in a big breath then yawned "I know. I love you Luisa." I felt my heart flutter, no matter how many times this man says it it'll always make my heart happy to hear it because I know he means it.

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