Pt 38 (NSFW)

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Y'all really thiught I'd leave you like that? Y'all probably thought there was no more NSFW story parts for a while too, but guess what? I'm not done here yet!

Warnings ⚠️: NSFW below this. Ages 16+

"Fuck" I whined as he pushed into me. "You're so big" I heard him chuckle "I mean, whatever you want to believe darlin." He pulled out and slammed back into me "Y/n" I heard him hum, satisfied with himself "you want to be fucked like that darlin?" I nodded "please." He pulled out and slammed into me again "fuck darlin. Your always so wet and tight." I bit my lip as he kissed the back of my neck "now moan my name." He did the same thing over and over, moving the desk a few times from thrusting into me so hard "Y/nnn, mierda" He held onto my hips just not hard enough to hurt me "damn I like that sound" I was hoping no one walked in. The door wasn't locked.

"Up you go." He had turned me and lifted me onto the desk so he could see himself penatrating me as I moaned. Normally if there was a mirror in the room he loved to watch me watch him fuck me. He came the most then. "Fuck darlin" I took that as a good sign "Y/n I'm gonna cum" He had pulled my shirt and bra up so he could access my breasts "well I'm not done yet." I tried to put it off until I couldn't, but I couldn't do it. Between him thrusting into me, rubbing my clit, and sucking on one of my breasts I just couldn't hold off on it "good girl" whyd he have to moan it?

My legs shook as I came and I threw my head back and broke his desk into quarters under my grip. "Y/N" I felt his seed fill me and he didn't pull out of me for a while. Just sat there knowing how hot it made me knowing he was 'breeding' me "good girl. Take it all." He kissed me as he pulled out knowing I'd moan when he did and we happened to finish seconds before the music shut off. When I climbed off and let go of his desk it fell into pieces on the floor and he just shrugged about it.

After I fixed everything about me he looked at me with a smirk and pulled me into him again "come by later. I have more where that came from for you." He winked at me and I felt a shiver run over me "dont say that." He chuckled "does it make you wet again?" I nodded "well that makes me want to give it all to you now." He kissed me and I really wanted more, but knew we had to leave now unless we wanted to get caught.

Safe past here

"I see you have him in a better mood now. That's good." I smiled as Y/n followed me out of the room "yeah, just needed to be talken to and have his knuckle popped back into place." I think in everything that just happened he forgot about that "yeah. She set me straight, but we need to go get some food from Julieta to heal my hand the rest of the way. Come on Willow." He stuck his hand out for her to take and she did and we all left together.

"Oi mijo, what happened?" This was probably the worst break in someone's fingers/knuckles I've ever seen. "He was venting about some things and got frustrated enough he punched a wall." She looked at me then him with worry in her eyes "what was bothering you?" He shook his head as she handed him a cookie "it doesn't matter." He looked down and watched his hand heal "are you sure?" He nodded "yeah I'm sure. Luisa helped me calm down and talked to me about everything, so it's ok." She smiled at him and then me. "I have a question for the two of you." She had our full attention "what is it?" She wiped her hands and leaned on the counter "¿Cuándo me vas a dar un nieto? I'm not sure if it's true or not, but Dolores told me you guys have been secretly working on it." Both our faces went red "as-as soon as we can mamá." My mamá loves babies and she'll do anything she can to make sure rumors about one is true.

"So you guys haven't succeeded yet?" "We aren't even married yet mamá." She looked at me then sighed a little "me and your father weren't married when we found out about Isabella." I never knew that. "Y-you weren't?" Y/n looked like he had an idea rolling through his head and I wasn't sure I liked it "no we weren't. Mamá, Abuela I mean, didn't want us to tell you and encourage anything." Y/n laughed "you guys don't need to encourage anything. Luisa does that on her own." I backhanded Y/n in a playful manner as he giggled "She would get that from her father." Y/n was doing his best not to laugh as my face went red "mooom. Don't tell me that." Mamá chuckled "sorry mija. There's a reason why we have just daughter's. Your father doesn't take charge in anything." I was sure my face was beyond red "Luisa do you want to run up and grab Willow from Isa and Mira and Camilo." I nodded and darted to get out of this conversation.

"I dont want to go. We are having so much fun." Willow pouted at me as Y/n walked up behind me and placed his hand on my hips "whats wrong?" They all picked up Willow and hugged her "you can't take her." Y/n chuckled "that's fine by me. If she's having fun then by all means keep her." He walked off and I followed, but not long after we heard a blood curdling scream and the pitter patter of feet as Willow ran up to us crying and yelling for Y/n.

"Whats wrong baby?" He picked her up and she curled into his arms "where are you-you-you going? You arent leaving me forever are you?" What did this girls mother do to her? "I was just going to Luisas room right here. I wasnt goin far baby." She sniffled and attempted to calm herself down "b-but you were walking away without sa-sa-saying goodbye to me and that's wha-wha-what mom-mommy used to do to me when she'd leave me with those-those men who'd hur-hurt me. Please don't l-l-l-leave me." She was bawling her eyes out "how about you come watch a movie with me and Luisa huh?" I could tell by his facial expression he wasn't happy with what he just heard, but didn't want Willow to see that "o-o-o-ok-ay" She sniffled and wiped her nose on her hand, so I got a napkin and cleaned it off "ok come on then. You and Luisa can choose one you both like."

We ended up choosing Alvin and the chipmunks and when the movie started Willow laid on Y/n and he tickled her back to relax her. Within ten minutes she was out cold and within the next thirty after that, so was Y/n. I may have snapped a few photos as Willow had her head on Y/ns chest and he had his arms wrapped around her, but Y/n didn't need to know that. I did however leave them to sleep and went to talk to Y/ns family as I hadn't done that quite yet. I was also supposed to have dinner with all of them in about an hour anyway.

"Hola Luisa." Lilah looked so excited to see me. "Hola Lilah." She pulled out a chair "you sit here. Next to me and Sirus. Across from aunts Kay, GG, and Ava." She smiled at me and I just hoped for the best.

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