Pt 10

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Warnings ⚠️: some serious girl talk about what happened in the lasr story part. I will not put a warning before it other then this one.

When I got to Casita I could tell my cheeks were still a little pink "Luisa are you ok?" I looked at Isa "what do you mean?" Dont blow this Luisa. Don't make them think anything. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, psh, why wouldn't I be?" That was the wrong thing to say and I knew it. "You just look really warm and not ok." Why would I be ok after that? "Yeah I'm totally fine." I felt my eye start twitching and bolted to my room and they were hot on my trail "Luisa! Luisa! What's wrong? Are you ok?" I locked my door so they couldn't get in then looked at where he had left a hickey on, practically, my shoulder "I hope mama's food can make that go away." As I panicked about everything that just happened I didn't realize how fast the time went by, that's was until I heard Camilo welcome Y/n very loudly. "Luisa dinner." Oh no.

"Hola Luisa." Whyd he have to say it like that? I just got my face to calm down "Hola Y/n." I refused to look at him as I felt my face heating up "Luisa dont be rude when speaking to someone." I nodded and looked at papa "si, sorry papa." I could feel more then one pair of eyes on me "Luisa are you ok? You don't seem like yourself." Oh I wanted to kill him "I-I am...ok. thank you for asking though." I gave Y/n a warm smile and he gave one back, making my face heat up again. "So Y/n what have you been up to? Other then sneaking kisses from my daughter?" Oh come on. I hid my face with both hands and slid down in my chair "I uh uhem" He cleared his throat, he was nervous "just working away and that was only once señor and she stole it from me." I felt him glance at me "Luisa mija, sit up in your chair please." I sat up and Y/n looked at me "it's ok darlin, I don't bite." My family chuckled as my face went the darkest shade of red.

I wouldn't call this torture, but I wouldn't call it just dinner either be ause it felt like torture, but it felt like dinner. "Can I be excused?" Abuela looked at me "so soon?" I nodded "for the restroom." She nodded "of course. Be quick." I stood up and hurried off to the bathroom where Mirabel and Isa were right there behind me "Luisa, hey." They stopped me from closing the door then squoze in with me "hey, what happened between you and Y/n?" I bit my lip "I dont want to talk about it." Isa placed her hand on my shoulder "¿Necesito matarlo?" I responded a bit too fast and loudly "NO! I-I mean no you don't I just don't want to talk about what happened. I need a break for a minute away from him to calm down." They nodded.

"So why did he call you darlin?" My face went back to its deep red state "because he's been torturing me all night. He found out calling me darlin makes me blush and he's been using it against me." I started to pace "and I'm trying not to be weird about it, but I cant help it when he-" I stopped not wanting Dolores or anyone to know "when he what Lu Lu?" I shook my head at Mirabel "nothing. I just am talking to fast to comprehend what I'm saying and I'm getting mixed up." Suddenly a knock came at the door "who is it?" "Just Dolores." Oh no. Please don't tell me she knows. "Ok come in." She came in and shut the door behind her "what happened between you two? The last thing I heard was him say was before 'ill see you at dinner' was-" I put my hand over her mouth "please don't say it." She nodded and I removed my hand.

"He did totally tell her to be quiet and called her darlin though." She did her little squeak at the end and I ran my hands through my hair that was loose "are you sure I dont need to kill him? That's normally what people say to someone when they rape them." I sighed "he didn't rape me Isa. If he did I wouldn't have been quiet the whole time he finger fucked me." I slapped a hand over my mouth "ok woah TMI Luisa, but also like...congrats? I dont know how to handle this news." They all looked at eachother "what do you mean when you say...that." I sighed "exactly what it sounds like, but you guys can't tell anyone." They nodded "we won't, but we expect the story tonight before bed. We're having a sleepover in your room." I tried to tell them no as they all filed out of the bathroom and back to table, but it didn't work.

"Gracias for the food señora. It was great. I have something to take care of back home, so I must be going." My mamá hugged him and he hugged her back before looking up at me and winking mid hug with my own mother. "See you around Luisa." He waved at me and I waved back before darting to my room and putting my pajamas on as fast as I could to make sure the hickey was 1 gone and 2 covered of it wasn't and it wasn't gone nor covered, so I let hair down and used it to cover it.

"Ok Luisa details, come on you can't leave us hanging." The three of them filed into my room and all sat on my bed awaiting what I was going to tell them "there's nothing to say about it." I really didn't feel comfortable having this conversation. "Sure there is. You and your sisters wanted to know about me and Marianos first time, so how was yours?" I groaned then looked away from them before heat hit my face for what felt like the 90th time today "it was ok." They all groaned "how is it just ok?" I sighed "I just feel weird telling you guys." They all rolled their eyes "well don't be even if he just fingered you. Is he demanding? Is he rough? Is he gentle? Is his voice hot when the horny brain takes over? Is-" I nodded violently and they all giggled "well answer our other questions."

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly while I kept my eyes closed "ok first question, I wouldn't call him demanding, but he definitely gets a little bossy, second question, he wasn't rough nor gentle." They all squealed "ok so did he fondle you anywhere? Kiss you anywhere? We need to know little sis." That relaxed me a bit "He didn't touch me anywhere else and he nipped my earlobe a few times, kissed me on the neck, and left this." I tossed my hair over my shoulder and their eyes got wide "that's like one of the most sensitive spots on us other then the obvious ones." Mirabel decided she didn't want to be in this conversation right as it started, so she wasn't in here anymore luckily.

"Whats his method? Two hands? One hand? Lay you down? Sit you down? Rile you up? Like tell us." I bit my lip once more "one hand and-" they did a little "ooohhh" and I chuckled at them "and he uh corned me, well I really wasn't paying attention and bumped into a wall, but its practically the same thing right?" They nodded agreeing with me "who started it? Was it him?" I rubbed my neck "I couldn't tell you. We were talking, he asked me a question and I answered it then asked his thoughts on it and he went into detail which is when I not only noticed his voice was different but he was going into detail about it, so I asked him if he had bad things on his mind and he wouldn't give an answer, I called him weird and he scoffed before telling 'odd maybe, but not weird' then I started to tell him how he's been driving me nuts the last like week and he told me he wouldn't hurt me, but shut me up and-" Dolores chimed in "and he did."

"And then I continued talking slightly thinking he was joking, but he wasn't because he jumped from the loft of the barn straight down before backing me into a wall where he then threatened to torture me in all the right ways, so I tried to change the subject and he 'scolded' me for doing it and that lead up to what happened." Isa groaned "you can't just say that!" I looked at her like she was crazy "what am I supposed to say?!" Dolores giggled at us "I don't know, what he was saying to you maybe?" I sighed "I...really don't want to get into that." Isa pouted and Dolores leaned over to whisper something in her ear "ok ok fine I'll tell you." Isabella did her happy/excited clap.

"He first told me 'let's see how strong you really are' then he told me to be quiet because 'we don't want to get caught do we?' Is how he put it then he really did kind of torture me by not letting get my way as bad as that sounds, so I will admit I whined and he cussed me for it. Called me honey that time. Then he-he uh..." I took a deep breath "then he said 'see what happens when you listen? You get rewarded.' And he over stimulated my brain and thats why I couldn't act 'normal' for a bit after I got home and also because he gave me like this really hot look as he licked off his fingers and it just." I felt myself get chills as I thought back on it then noticed Isa and Dolores doing a little fan thing with their hands "that is hot when guys or anyone will give you 'that' Look while doing something like that knowing what state of mind your in." I hummed then looked at my phone "we should probably get to bed. We have to be up early." They both pouted slightly "well I have nothing else to say, oh other then he has some serious arm muscle because I grabbed bicep in all of that and feeling the muscle in his arm move as well as see it through his shirt was next level hot." They both grinned at me "ok goodnight Luisa." I got comfortable in bed "goodnight."

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