Pt 46

81 1 0

Warnings: lots of sexual tension/a horny Luisa who wants her way

"Y/n! Can you sing this?" She showed me a clip of someone singing the first part of 'Your Man' by Josh Turner "yeah I can." She stared at me for a second "oh you mean- sorry I've been a little behind today." She only smiled and shook her head "its ok. You've been very deprived of my attention for the last few months anyway." It was June by now and my family as well as Luisas had decided to wait a year after my incident to go through with the marriage. "Yeah, but it's ok." I was perfectly fine not having sex with Luisa the last couple months, but the desire was starting to get to both of us. "I know, but- never mind. Can you just sing this for me please?" She gave me puppy dog eyes and I chuckled "yes I can, give me just a second." I finished what I was doing then pulled usual chair over before sitting down, she didn't have to say anything for me to know she was confused.

"Can you pass me that water please?" She had been teasing me all week so it was my turn "this one?" I nodded "yeah, thanks darlin." I winked at her then opened the bottle and took a small swig before pulling the bottle away from my lips for a split second then going in for another drink just happening to 'accidentally' drop the bottle and spill the rest of my water on my shirt "damnit." I sighed and started to unbutton my shirt "I can't stand it when shirts are wet. It's so uncomfortable." Honestly I didn't mind, but she didn't need to know that.

I removed my shirt and got up to hang it over the ladder to the loft and could feel her eyes on me "like what you see?" I turned around and met her gaze once she got done dragging her eyes up my body "I-I uh...yeah." she giggled knowing she was caught "its ok, I'd like it too." She scoffed and back handed me as I laughed "you're such a troublemaker." I smirked "im a panty dropper too." She backhanded me again as I laughed some more "what does that make me then?" I shrugged "I dont know, what do you think it makes you?" She shrugged slightly embarrassed about what crossed her mind, but she never did say anything.

I won't go into detail, but I teased her for a while until I had to be somewhere else to help Casey and Ethan with some of their work. "I'll see you when I get home, ok dalrin?" She nodded and pecked my lips "ok. La quiero." I pecked her lips one more time "te quiero también." I left and when I got to Casey and Ethan they couldn't stop teasing me over everything.

"Normally you and Luisa fuck like rabbits, what the hell happened?" I rolled dmy eyes and ignored him "no for real, did she finally get pregnant? Did you get hurt the last time you guys-" I gave them a nasty look "what happened?" I sighed "nothing happened. She's not pregnant and no I didn't get hurt, but my pride is a little shot." They were like girls wanting to know everything. "Why is it shot?" I stayed quiet "come on just tell us." I rolled my eyes as they kept asking questions "can you two just finish what you were doing?" They were starting to get on my nerves.

"Just tell us man, why is your pride a little shot? There's nothing that could-" I huffed "she fuckin found out how to get under my skin and make me practically submit to her so she can dominate me, ok? Feel better knowing that? Fuckin God damn." I went back to what I was doing "ok, but how did she-" I sighed "have fun doing this yourselves if you keep asking me useless questions." They instantly went quiet.

After a while I heard Ethan chuckle "so Casey, I heard from someone that you finally got with Isabella." He did a nervous chuckle and I rolled my eyes once more "yall are worse then women who've got drama to tell one another." They burst into laughter "ok and? It's better then some bumm like you." I shook my head "what, are you from New York? Why you gotta talk like that?" Ethan scoffed "yes I am from New York, thank you very much and-" we heard a familiar voice call my name from what used to be my old living room. It was still my place, but only for recording or when me and Luisa wanted to really have fun.

"Y/n?" Why was Luisa here? "Yeah?" She hesitated in her sentence "can you come here please?" I had a feeling she was up to something "yeah give me just a second." I heard the other two start to snicker "shes got you wrapped around her finger." I ignored them and after a moment went out to see what she wanted "mi amor please?" She whined like when I wouldn't let her do something in the bedroom as she pressed herself against me "I want you, I crave you." She shifted her weight from one leg to the other and back several times as she also kept her legs together tightly "Casey and Ethan are over darlin. I told you I had to help them with somethin. Can't this wait?" I had to admit it was beginning to be hard for me to wait, especially hearing her whine.

"I don't care, please just...te necesito. Cógeme." I bit my lip to try to keep myself from getting hard "por favor?" It came out as a whine and I could tell I was about to snap. "Darlin I-" I had to find the right words to say so I wouldn't upset her or get her hopes too high "mi amor, vete a la mierda como lo hiciste hace unos meses." I could feel her hands starting to wander when the other two walked out of the room to head home "hey Y/n we're going to head out. Don't have too much fun!" They really were children sometimes "Y/n please!" I waited until the door shut to smirk at her then give her what she wanted.

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