Pt 27 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: this immediately starts off with NSFW this is your only warning.

"I'm gonna worship you so hard darlin." I kissed her then made my way down where I stopped at her womanhood. "Y/n?" I looked up at her then hooked my arms under her legs before standing up, so her legs were over my shoulders and her back was on the barn wall "Y/n!" She grabbed for something and cussed me out of surprise "what?" I chuckled as I leaned forward "I didn't want you to-to..." I looked at her "what do you want then?" I placed a few kisses around her clit "I just want you" I smirked as I maneuvered my hands so I could grope and play with her breasts through her shirt as I warmed her up slightly.

"I want you to ride me." I sat her down then pulled over the chair I usually sat in when I was braiding different material "but first come here." I sat down on the chair and she walked over "sit." She straddled me as she sat down and I grabbed her hips gently "you know I don't mean to be rough with you sometimes right?" She nodded "yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" I started to guide her hips in a motion that drove me nuts when it came to grinding "I want you to take charge this time." I kissed her collar bone and she arched her back "mh, really?" I nodded as I started to nip and suck at one spot "o-ok."

She scooted back then reached between us where she stopped at my belt "can I...?" I nodded "you don't have to ask darlin." She undid my belt "the only thing I want you to do my way is if I grab your hips and lift you off me, don't fight it. I don't have a condom on me." She smirked then leaned down by my ear "maybe I want you to cum inside me." I felt my member throb "fuck, don't say that." She giggled then I felt her undo my pants the rest of the way "why not?" My breath hitched when she grabbed me and scooted forward again "cause you can't give me a green light like that when your in charge. I can change my mind entirely."

"Well maybe I want you to change your mind." I bit my tongue as she nipped at my earlobe and lined herself up with me "oh yeah? Well your doing a good job baby girl." I smirked when I said it cause I could tell what it did to her "come on darlin." I slid just my tip in then sat down as she lowered herself onto me "mmhh, just like that Luisa." She went all the way down "ah, mh" she arched her back "you got this come on baby." She started to bounce "fuck Luisa" I tilted my head back "dont stop, please" I was putty in her hands "God damn baby" She started to bounce faster "Y/n, mierda" I knew I wasn't going to last long.

"Faster Luisa." She nodded and sped up "fuckin damn" I reached under her shirt and started to play with her most sensitive breast "Y/n dios mio, aaaahhhh" im sure there was a crowd outside "your doing good darlin. Fuck your doing amazing." I felt her bounces starting to slow, but not in a tired way, so when her walls started to tighten I knew what was going to happen, so I thrusted up the best I could and within seconds I came "good girl Luisa, fuck" I felt her walls tighten and it prolonged my orgasm.

Neither of us stopped our actions until a 2nd one hit shortly after. The only difference being I was thrusting more as she rolled her hips "Y/n I- fuck, yes, ooh. Fill me up, please" I felt myself cum again and it was a rather large amount again and just like last time she prolonged it by cumming "damn you Luisa. I didn't want to do that, but your so fuckin...mmmhhh" this time when she came she sat down and didn't move and made it impossible for me to move too. When she stood up I seen everything drain out of her and she let out a moan when it did "remind me to be in charge more often." I chuckled out of breath "be my guest darlin. I dont mind." I looked over at my phone "now I can't let Casey have phone."

Safe from here everyone

I fixed my pants then put my shirt back on and tucked it into my pants and did my belt up "come by tonight and we can-" she stuck her hand up "dont continue that sentence or we won't leave this barn." I laughed "ok I wont, but uh" I looked out the doors "...there's a crowd outside." She went pale "no there isn't." I nodded "there is. It's not very many people, but theres still people out there." She came over and looked out the doors to see mainly her family, the family being Isabella, Mirabel, Dolores, Mariano and Camilo "im not going to survive." She was so embarrassed "dont be embarrassed. Act like you don't know they're there ok?" She nodded "ok." I pulled her into me by the waist and she smield up at me "I love you." I smiled back at her "te quiero también." She kissed me and I kissed her back.

When she went to walk out the doors she stopped and looked back at me "what?" I grabbed the two bales, one in each hand, and looked at her "are you going to record a song tonight?" I nodded "what one?" I walked to where I needed to and sat one bale down "dangerous man." She just looked at me "you want to come help don't you?" She nodded "ok then be over by six." She looked at the time "but it's four o'clock." I nodded "yeah? You got this." She blushed "stop that." I gave her an innocent look "stop what?" She scowled at me and I laughed "ok fine I'll stop...dalrin." I deepened my voice when I said darlin and she blushed before flipping me off "dont pick that up from me." She did it again as she slipped out of the door "your Abuela is going to kill me."

I broke open a bale and spread it out a bit before breaking the 2nd one open and spreading that one out as well. I finished up my other chores and headed home where I started to get my recording stuff set up and in typical fashion my phone rang.

Y: hello?
L: hey, Abuela wants you over for dinner tonight. Can you make it?
Y: yeah I should be able too. What time?
L: seven...
Y:...are you fuckin- *sigh* yeah I can. Are you comin over tonight to help me record?
L: Abuela doesn't really want us alone anymore. Dolores told her about earlier.
Y: Casey's gonna be here. You can bring whoever you need as well.
L: your on speaker by the way.
Y: that would've been nice to know before I cussed and got irritated.
L: sorry.
Y: don't apologize. It's alright darlin.
L: Camilo offered to come with me, so I'll be over in ten.
Y: ok. See you then darlin.
L: see you.

Why couldn't Dolores just keep her mouth shut? I didn't do...that on purpose. When you have someone like Luisa hook her legs around the chair so you can't lift her off you both times it just sort of ties your hands and you can't do much.

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