Pt 59

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The next morning rolled around fairly fast and my friends who were here to help me with my dress, makeup, etc all showed up alot earlier then expected. Early enough that when my lovely soon to be husband Y/n came waltzing down the stairs and into the kitchen with just a towel around his waist we all just stared until one of them whistled, gaining his attention.

"Fuck!" He jumped seeing all our eyes on him "it would've been nice to know they were going to be here this early." He grabbed the towel to make sure it wouldn't fall "this is your fiance!?" I nodded "girl I watched him just the other night on stage and he was, mmmhhh." She did a weird growl noise and held her hand up in an 'ok' symbol "not to mention the package that comes with him." I heard Y/n chuckle nervously. He normally didn't talk about his job as a stripper and it wasn't because it made me uncomfortable, because it didn't, but because he knew I had a tendency to imagine him dancing like that for me and we always ended up tangled up somewhere in Casita or the town.

"Please don't remind me." Y/n bent down and grabbed a drink out of the fridge before disappearing as fast as he showed up "how big is he?" I looked at my makeup artist confused "huh?" She pointed towards her crotch and my face went red "I don't know." All of them scoffed "how do you not know that?" I shrugged "I dont know. I've never had time to-" Y/n walked into the kitchen again only he at least had pants and boots on this time. "Eight and a half." All their eyes went wide before he chuckled "nah I'm just kiddin." He leaned on the counter facing us "aren't you supposed to he getting ready?" He nodded "yeah, but I'm hungry and don't want to be a dick through the whole thing cause of it so im just goin to make myself somethin real quick. You want anything?" Why was he just walking around shirtless? Was he trying to get to me? Probably, but it's fine.

"So how big are you?" He looked at me "six foot ten, how big are you?" I giggled "no how big are you?" He smirked "82 inches." I gave him a funy look "was that your height again?" He nodded with a proud smile "please answer my question." "Why does it matter? Cause she asked?" I nodded "that and I've always been sort of curious." I could see something flash through his eyes that he refused to say infront of them. "When?" I furrowed brows "what do you mean when?" He sighed with a smirk "when I'm hard or...?" I nodded "yes that one." He folded his arms "depending on how riled up you get me, it's usually just a little bit above average. Happy now?" I nodded "si." He turned around and pulled out a pot and reached for a pan when Casita sat it up on the stove for him then got out a bunch of ingredients too. "Gracias Casita."

He reached for his hat and it wasn't there making him sigh before leaving the room and coming back fully clothed with his hat on. "He's not going to wear that during the wedding is he?" They pointed at his hat "yeah he is. It goes everywhere with him." He chuckled "it's true. I even killed a man in it." Their eyes got wide again "no you didn't. Your too sweet." He glanced at me then them "whatever you want to believe." They looked at me "has he killed a man?" He gave me the look that said if I said anything I'd be sorry, but we both knew I wanted to be sorry "uh well, I can't answer that unless you guys want to redo my hair and makeup." I heard Y/n snort "who says it'd be just your hair they'd have to fix?" My jaw dropped "are you implying something cowboy?" He turned his head and I could see the smile on his face as he grabbed a seasoning.

"No cause you'd probably like it." My friends started to laugh "what do you mean?" He shifted his weight and I shamelessly stared at his ass "im just saying do I say this without outing our private life?" He turned to face me and folded his arms as he leaned on the counter "as much as I'd like to have another night of Willows gift ceremony, I dont want you to get used to it or jealous with what I have in mind." I was quiet as I connected the dots of what he meant.

By the time I caught on he was sitting a plate of food down infront of me "who says I'd get jealous?" He used his fork to point at himself "I know better. Especially if it was miss quiet corner." I hated that he could address my friends with weird names and I knew who he was talking about, but they could never catch on to it. "I-I, w-well- ugh." He had a point. "You wouldn't though, would you?" He shook his head "no I wouldn't. Never dream of it unless you wanted to do it." My friends finally butted in after a moment "what are you two talking about?" I shook my head "nothing important."

We were about three quarters of the way done with our food when we heard a bunch of commotion and I watched Y/n scarf the rest of his before looking at us "none of you seen me ok?" We nodded then he disappeared and in came Casey, Jona, Sirus, his other brother I could never remember the name of, and Ethan and they all had very thick makeup on their faces and it looked like it had something sprayed over it to keep it where they couldn't wash it off. "Have you guys seen Y/n?" We were all doing our best not to laugh or giggle "no we havent." They all groaned "well he told us he was going to make breakfast, but we haven't seen him. Thanks anyway." They all walked off when Casey leaned back around the corner. "You're looking amazing by the way Luisa." I smiled at him "gracias."

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