pt 67

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This will be in the same POV as the last story part

Camilo watched you hit the ground and covered Willows face. He wasn't sure if you passed out or if the gunshot came from Mateo or Luisa. All he knew is that he needed to keep Willow shielded from it all.

"Y/n you son of a bitch." Camilo glanced back to see Mateo turn towards Luisa. He had a bullet wound that went through his hand "you taught her to shoot, good for you. To bad you won't be able to see her do it again or see your son." He backed up, but stayed facing Luisa until he got to you. "Look Mateo I don't know what you want with any of us, but leave Y/n and his daughter out of it." He shook his head "its not all of you gifted idiots I want. Just you, him, and the daughter. I want this man dead and I have for a long time. I'm not going to pass up that moment now."

You hadn't passed out, but you fell from not having the strength to stand anymore and Luisa knew that. "Well try again fucker." You grabbed a metal bar from next to you and took his feet out from under him "oh so you do still have some fight in you." He went to get up, but you hit him with the bar again and managed to find something to get up with what little strength you had.

"As long as you threaten my family I'll always find a way to get back up." Luisa knew you were running off adrenaline and anger now. You had tried to keep a level head through it all and it only got you hurt, but you finally snapped. "Ooo. Someone's got a mean punch." You picked up the metal bar again and went to hit him with it, but he blocked it "tsk tsk. Such a dumb move." He tried to kick you where you were wounded the worst and you prepared for it, but when it didn't come you knew something was up.

You opened your eyes to see Luisa standing infront of you and she had ahold of his foot and with the smallest movement of her hand you heard his bones shatter "you bitch!" He couldn't put any weight on it now because it shattered it all the way up to his hip "go ahead and hide behind your wife. Be a coward." You winced when you moved wrong and made your wounds ache "im no coward for hiding behind her. If anything you were safer when she was behind me." You knew Luisa had a horrible temper on her, but it never came out, however, you had seen it before and knew where this was about to go. You looked away as she grabbed his skull in her hand and started to squeeze. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She stopped squeezing it then you glanced over only to see her pick him up by his head and bust his spine over her knee like a twig, but when she did it, it had enough force it tore the guy in half.

He could still feel everything besides his feet plus was still alive and you looked away and almost puked at the sight of him. It didn't help when you could hear his bones crunch, snap, or shatter under her strength and he yelled in pain each time. She made sure to let him hurt for a while before she grabbed his skull in her hands and squoze/pushed her hands together until he stopped making noise and it made a pop sound when it burst, splattering things with blood and small chunks of brain.

By the time she came back around to herself she immediately felt guilty for what she did, but she was snore worried about you and where you were. She didn't have to look long as her family was gathered around you as Julieta did her best to heal you before you passed out or went into shock. The most her food did was give you all your blood back and heal the small wounds. It didn't heal the one that took almost your entire side with it.

"Mamá is he ok?" She nodded "he will be mija. He just needs rest and lots of it, so lets get him home." She nodded and picked you up and took you to Casita where Casita had prepared a small hospital like room in the nursery for you. Luisa patched your bad wound once you got there and she had cleaned herself up "thank you love." You winced or flinched or gritted your teeth almost the entire time she cleaned and wrapped it "you're welcome cowboy. Now get some sleep. You need it." You just groaned slightly and laid down in the bed.

Luisa monitored you closely as you slept and throughout the first two weeks as she was worried and terrified to lose you. She stressed herself out over it to the point you had to literally yell at her to get her to sit down, rest, and take a nap herself because she hadn't been sleeping almost at all.

"Luisa what are you doing back in here?" She couldn't come up with an excuse "you came to check on me again didn't you?" She nodded "yeah, you don't feel any different do you?" You sighed "Luisa it has been two minutes since you last came in and checked on me, yes something could change in that time, but no I don't feel any different then what I did yesterday or the day before that." She fiddled with her fingers "im just worried about losing you and-" you swung your legs over the side of the bed to sit up.

"Luisa God damnit. I told you I will let you know if I feel any different. Your family told you they would check on me for you. I know damn good and fuckin well you haven't slept in the last two weeks and if you have its been very little. That isn't good and I've told you this, especially for the baby. You're stressin yourself out over me when I'll be fuckin fine now go lay down and take a god a damn nap before I have to get my ass out of this fuckin bed and make you take one." She tried to argue, but you stood up and walked over to her "come on let's go." You escorted her to your guys' room and stayed there until she fell asleep, then you made your way back to the nursery. You had been sleeping and staying in there because you didn't want your wound to open back up and bleed on Luisas nice and expensive bed.

For anyone who doesn't know a skull does make a pop/type of exploding sound depending on what's used to 'break' it. If you run one over with a tire it will make a pop sound like a balloon. Please don't ask how I know this.

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