Pt 70

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"Luisa, Luisa?" You shook her a little to wake her up "¿Qué?" You tossed the covers back "I think your water just broke." She reached down and felt "yeah well there's no contractions. I'm going back to bed."

You sighed as you opened your eyes and stared at the motel ceiling. That was the third time you've had that dream and now you wouldn't be able to sleep the rest of the night while Luisa was thousands of miles away, fast asleep, or so you thought.

Y: I had the dream again
L: oh no, I'm sorry. You ok?
Y: yeah I'm fine, but what are you doing up?
L: I'm uncomfortable. You know I'm a stomach sleeper and I can't sleep on my stomach. I don't like it.
Y: I forgot about that. I think I'm going to go for a jog. Make myself tired so maybe I'll fall asleep.
L: please just be careful.
Y: I will. I love you.
L: I love you too mi amor

After several hours and not hearing back from you, she started to worry. You always let her know when you got back to the motel when you went for a run by yourself and not hearing from you made her panic.

"I'm sure he's fine mija." She sighed as her Abuela tried to comfort her "but he doesn't just not let me know. He forgets sometimes, but never this long." Her Abuela sighed "maybe you should call him. Help ease your nerves. You don't need to stress out about it any longer then you have." She nodded at her grandmothers advise and called you as soon as she left the room. You didn't answer, so she called your brother Jona after waiting for an hour to make sure you weren't going to clal her back.

J: I seen him this morning when I was headed to work. I can check with mom and dad and some of our other family, friends, and people who have been working for us.
L*sighs*: ok thank you so much Jona. It's just not like him to do this...
L&J: unless he's overwhelmed or really worried about something.

They both did a lighthearted chuckle.

J: how about we give him a few more hours in case he is upset about something or has something on his mind. We both know he needs his space when something is bothering him and he often times won't answer anyone. As long as his phones on and calls as well as messgaes can go through its a good sign. If it goes straight to voice-mail when you call again, because I know you will, let me know and I have a few places I can look for him. I have to get back to work, but I'll let you know what everyone says ok?
L: ok. I'll let you know too.

She hung up then huffed before getting up and heading to Willows room "Willow?" She placed her hand on her back "you have to wake up." She groaned and opened her eyes to look at Luisa "but I don't feel good mom." Tears welled up in her eyes so Luisa knew she wasn't lying "it's ok. Just go back to sleep and when you wake up I can have Abuelita bring you some food ok?" Willow nodded then Luisa left.

"Mamá, when Willow wakes up can you take her some food? She's not feeling well." She nodded at her daughter "si mija I can. Are you going to go check on Lilah?" She nodded as she grabbed a drink from the fridge "si. She promised Y/n she'd help keep me from doing too much while he was gone and if I do too much she rats me out." Julieta smiled "your tio Felix and your papa was the same way with me and your tia Pepa. They kept an eye on us at all times. Felix wouldn't let Pepa go anywhere without him and your papa always tried to lift everything for me or move the things I needed moved. More often then not he got hurt." They both laughed "that sounds like papa." She gave her mother a side hug "have a good day mamá." Julieta did her best to hug her biggest daughter back "you too mi hija."

"Took you long enough!" Lilah was waiting at her front door when Luisa showed up "I was talking to my mamá. Calm down." She rolled her eyes as Lilah shut the door "feel any different today?" She got in Luisas bubble after she sat down "no I dont." She picked her up and sat her on the couch next to her "oh come on!" Casey walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist "Casey go put clothes on." He hadn't noticed Luisa on the couch "why?" He turned to look at Lilah, but met eyes with Luisa and went red. "Nevermind."

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