Pt 23 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: NSFW towards the end. I will admit it's not my best work. So I decided to re write it cause I didn't like it XD.

After they flew out you went on with yours day like normal. You did walk around with a type of sadness that was noticeable, but for the most part did your best to stay strong. Luisa just 'feared' your words from yesterday and stayed slightly paranoid all day not knowing when or if you were going to do anything. The way she always found out was if she came by the barn when you were there or the other way around.

You were fully booked out today in trimming donkeys and even shoeing a few. Being as tall as you were it hurt your back after a while, but Osvaldo and a few other said it could wait another day or two to give your back a break, but others weren't so cool about it. "Your supposed to be a farrier. Get it done. I don't pay you to be lazy." You were shaping a shoe so it could help correct the donkeys hoof "that's what I'm doing ma'am." She hadn't taken her eyes off her phone since she got there "dont sass me. All have you know I'm dating Camilo Madrigal and his Abuela can kick you out at any... mo-mo-moment." She finally looked up at you as she had walked over to you and you looked down at her without tilting your head down, so it was a nasty look. She blushed and her attitude changed entirely once she realized who you were.

"So, Y/n are you single?" You continued to shape the shoe before putting it to the donkeys hoof "no im not." You were snappy with her in hopes of making her be quiet as you turned to find some nails "im sure I could change that." She bit her lip and puffed her chest out to make either look bigger while also squishing her breasts between her arms in the most natural, least obvious way she could. "Who is your girlfriend anyway? I'm sure I could take her down." You laughed "yeah have fun with that." She scoffed "do you not believe in me? Thats terribly rude." You kept a smile on your face "I mean it's not that I don't believe in you, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has the ability to take the girl down without lifting a finger." She folded her arms "oh really how?" Luisa walked in and you noticed her, but the girl didn't "I have my ways."

The girl popped her hip out after a moment "who even is it? I bet she won't stand a chance against me." You finished nailing the third shoe on and stood up straight "who are we talking about?" The girl jumped. She was scared shitless of Luisa because of her strength and always has been. "My hermoso girlfriend." Luisa caught on to what you were doing as she had heard the entire conversation "oh yeah I think you could take her. Its not like she's got super strength or anything." You chuckled "or is part of the Madrigal family." Luisa looked at you as you shaped the last shoe. "I'm confused. Luisa do you know who his girlfriend is?" Luisa nodded "yes, but that's none of your business, especially if your out to ruin the relationship when your in one with Camilo." The girl sighed "I wasn't going to ruin it for myself I was going to ruin it for uh..." she thought hard for an excuse or name she could use "you, be-be-because I know how much you like him and he seems to show interest in you too, yeah thats it!"

You chuckled as you bent down to put the last shoe on the donkey "sorry girlie, but you can't ruin something for someone else when that person already is ready dating them." She looked at Luisa confused "so who's his girlfriend?" You held back from laughing "I am his girlfriend." She went as white as a ghost "o-oh so, so, so, so sorry Luisa I-I didn't mean to hit on him or-or admit to wanting to ruin the relationship for myself or-" Luisa raised a brow at her and the girl seemed like she was on the verge of passing out. "I'll just be quiet."

Later that night as you followed Luisa up to her room you noticed Casita was very adamant about 'following' the two of you there, so you paused at her door "Casita, make sure no one can get in or hear us. Even Dolores." Casita gave a 'nod' with the tiles outside her room then after you shut the door you heard it click and looked back at it confused as it didn't have a lock on it.

"Oh really?" You kissed up her torso in a slow manner in a way of teasing her as you lifted her shirt "Y/n come on, quit messing around." You ran your hands up her legs then stopped just below her butt "do you think I'm strong enough to hold you up?" She bit her lip "why?" You shrugged "I can't tell you that. Just be honest with me." She nodded slowly "you've done it before." You grinned "well then, why are we both still dressed?" Although she didn't show rhat it bothered her, it did, very much.

Ages 16+ below here

"Y/n fuck" she tilted her head back on her door as you held her up against it and pounded into her "dios mio" you had picked that up from her and you weren't so sure if you like saying it.

You slowed your pace and she whined as she tightened her legs around you "dont whine at me darlin." She clenched her jaw to keep herself from doing it again and you smirked "that's not so hard, is it?" She wanted to answer you, but wouldn't "not gonna answer me?" She cried out, but in a good way as you suddenly did one hard thrust "no its not!" You did your cocky grin at her and did another hard thrust making her cry out once more "I like that sound." You kissed her collar bone "maybe I'll do it again..." she whimpered as you threatened to do it once more "please don- AH!" You chuckled hearing her cry out one last time before you found a rough, hard rythym "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n." She arched her back and unintentionally scratched at your back "maybe I should-" she leaned forward so her face was buried in your neck, it was am attempt to quiet herself down, or so you thought.

She started to kiss your neck between moans and you swallowed hard "L-Luisa don't." She kept on "Luisa you better stop." She giggled against your neck in almost an evil way making you raise a brow then speed up. "Mierda Y/n, right there." She found that one small weak spot on your neck and you cussed her as you groaned "Luisa, fuckin..." you couldn't finish cussing her as she had started to suck and nibble at that spot on your neck making you tense up and forget what you were going to say. "Damnit Luisa." She bit her lip as you pulled out and sat her on her own two feet "get on the bed. I'm done bein gentle with you." She stared at you in shock "I just wanted to-" you gave her that look again like you have before and she nodded, not questioning you once.

"Lay on your stomach." You walked towards her with a intimidating presence "wh-" you gave her a dangerous look "Lay on your stomach. Now." She nodded and did as she was told as you climbed on the bed "spread your legs." You tapped her ankles with your fingers to encourage her to do it faster and it startled her slightly, so she hesitated "either you do it or I do it for you." She spread her legs. "Further." You grabbed her knees and placed her legs where you wanted them "now roll your hips up." She did her best not knowing where you wanted them. "a little further." You grabbed her hips hard enough to bruise her without meaning too and positioned her hips where you wanted them "Y/n jeez." You ran a hand down her back to her neck as you slid in "mierda" you watched her put her forehead onto her hands as she groaned "you feel so good darlin." You gave a hard thrust and she drew a sharp breath in.

"You like that darlin?" She nodded and you did it again naking her moan this time "you like the way I feel inside you?" She nodded again as you set into a pattern of thrusting roughly. "Fuck Luisa" you tilted your head back as you let her moans fill your ears until they became muffled "dont muffle your moans baby. I love them." She whined out "Y/n y-your grip it-it hurts." You loosened it and moved your hands so they were in the same place as before just opposite sides. "Y/n" as if life couldn't go wrong enough for you, as her orgasm hit you managed to some how squish your dick and you doubled over "fuckin christ." Luckily it wasn't serious, but you definitely weren't finishing.

Safe from here

"Are you ok?" You nodded still holding yourself "do I need to go get some of mamás food?" You shook your head "I'll be ok." She was so worried and it kinda melted your heart "are you sure? You don't need like an ice pack or something?" You nodded "I'm sure Luisa. Can you hand me my underwear?" She tossed them to you and you put them on slowly before laying back on her bed where she joined you and cuddled into your side under the covers.

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