Pt 57 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: NSFW and it might be a long one also not one of my best works, but it's ok 🤷‍♀️

Luisa ended up going to her room an hour early and Casey got there before you did as you were having a hard time getting Willow to sleep, but you got it done.

"You do realize one of us will have to..." Casey couldn't say it as you opened the door "she's into that shit Casey." You took your hat off and hung it up then took your belt off as you closed the door behind you "well obviously, but me and you at the same time?" He pulled a painful expression "not like that you dumbass. One of us gets her pussy and the other gets her back door." You were a bit sour about having to share. "Well you already know what one I'll take." You rolled your eyes "yeah well thats..." you lost track of everything as you watched Luisa start to undress "that's just...fuck." you looked down when she smirked at you "your lucky he's in the room." She giggled "I know."

NSFW below this

You currently sat in a chair about ten feet away from Luisa who was doing her best to get inside your head as Casey tried to find ways to make her moan like you can by just kissing and touching her body "Casey, you want to know a secret?" He looked at you "what?" You stood up "shes bein quiet to get on my nerves." You stepped towards them "you also dont have your hand in the right place on her waist." She tensed up when he moved it to the right spot then when you leaned down and took one of her nipples in your mouth "mh" She arched her back as Casey kissed her neck and you swirled your tongue around her nipple while giving occasional, gentle nips with your teeth.

Your hand soon wandered towards her womanhood, but wouldn't give her the satisfaction of touching her. "Y/n please." She tried to move her hips to get any friction she could "dont beg darlin, it'll only put you further away from what you want." Casey soon started to do what you were denying her of and she smirked at you as she did a small moan. You now knew she was trying to get that side of you to come out so she could remind everyone of who she belonged to.

"Ah" you stopped what you were doing and found something to blindfold her with "Casey hold on." He stopped and looked at you as Luisa whimpered "move away form her." He shook his head "why?" You mumbled under your breath "because I fuckin said so, now move." She was suddenly thinking this wasn't such a good idea when you stepped behind her "uh Y/n?" You hummed "si?" She swallowed hard. "Your making me nervous." You chuckled "good." You leaned in by her ear "just don't get scared on me. We won't hurt you darlin." She nodded as you blindfolded her then laid her on the bed.

Everything went quiet and her heart started to race. The most she could hear was shuffling of feet or you and Casey chuckle or giggle a little as you pulled out her favorite toys. "Here." You handed her dildo to him and he gave you a funny look "I hought we were going to-" you waved your hand at him then grabbed her vibrator "you'll see why I handed it to you." You walked over to Luisa who tensed up under your touch "your ok darlin." Casey looked at you for guidance of what to do with what you gave him.

"Tease her." You placed the vibrator against her clit "AH" Casey raised a brow at you "your fucking weird." You rolled your eyes "you want to know how to make her moan don't you?" Luisa arched her back and bit her lip "mierda" you removed the vibrator from her and she whined "well yeah, but I swear to god that if your doing this cause-" Luisa cut him off "no I like it." He looked at you with wide eyes "what the fuck?" She smiled as he did a giggle finding all these things out about her. He took a deep breath then shook his head.

"Does she like dirty talk too?" He said it sarcastically, but didn't expect you to laugh as he slid the tip of the dildo between her folds "it depends on her mood." She swatted in your direction as you laughed "dont get attitude with me. I'll make sure you wont get nothin." She bit her lip as Casey pushed the tip in then pulled it out and rubbed it up and down then around her clit "Casey you suck at this." He scoffed "im doing my best." You chuckled "let me see it." You traded him then climbed on the bed "first of all..."

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