Pt 17

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Luisa didn't speak to you for over a week for that, wouldn't return a text or a phone call unless you asked her if she wanted to break up, then she'd tell you no, but she was mad at you. No one would tell you why she was mad and you had no memory of that night at all. You didn't blow up her phone by sending a hundred texts or calling it 39 times, but you did still text her to show her you cared, such as 'good morning beautiful' 'goodnight darlin' and explain you didn't know why she was mad at you just cause no one would tell you why, would just say "you know why." And leave it at that.

One day you decided to not text her the whole day. Within minutes of her not receiving your good morning text she text you good morning, you ignored it and went about your day, leaving your phone at home. It was just coming up on the evening when she showed up at the barn/corral where you were saddle training a donkey "why aren't you answering me? I said I forgive you." You glanced at her but continued what you were doing with silence for about 15 seconds before you replied quietly with "my phones at home. I lef tit there since you havent been wanting to speak to me and neither ahs anyone else." She folded her arms "well you embarrassed me infront of my sisters and your mom and Lilah."

You sighed "how? I have no memory of that night Luisa. This whole time all of you, even your sisters and my family and friends, have been telling me 'you know why' when I don't. I don't know why your mad at me or how I embarrassed you. Any time I ask for an explanation I never get one." You had raised your voice "because we thought you weren't being honest and-" you turned to look at her "who made you think I wasn't being honest when I told you I hate liars so I wouldn't lie unless it was something to save my ass from jail time or over something stupid?" She fiddled with her fingers "my tia, but she, and my tio were also worried about you only being with me for the sex or my body." That hurt you. "Oh, ok. I lecture Camilo about something like that and tell him it's wrong to do something like that, but I'd do it? Sounds about right, right? I went off on a live over someone asking me questions like that and yet you still think I'd do that?" She sighed "Y/n just listen to me." You took a deep breath "fine."

"I'll start off with what happened the other night. I wanted to get back at you for you always being able to effect me in...those ways, so Lilah said she'd make me some custom jeans like she does for you, but itd be at your house, so I had my sisters come with me, but I had no clue you'd been drinking or else I would've just came by myself." You held back from what you were going to say "I normally never drink. I hope you know that. If I do it's almost never that heavy." "I got there and you were joking around and laughing and genuinely having a good time. I know you made all of us laugh a few times and everything was going fine until Lilah leaned down and said something about thats how you are when your practically drunk and then said something about me and your private life and that's all it took."

Here's the thing, you weren't (entirely) to blame here. Lilah jad a knack to cause drama for no reason to see if your girlfriend would stick around after you would say something, like what you did about you and Luisa, and then lie about what was actually going on and how she just 'didn't think or notice that you heard' but she was also the one that would get you black out drunk too and say you were almost drunk bit could remember and know what you were saying.

"All it took for what?" She could tell you were mad and your anger was only rising the more she told the story "for you to start going off on how we had sex the night before that and how you had ate me out that morning. Had you just said it without details or going into some big story I wouldn't have cared as much as I did, but with how my sisters were there and you went into detail and also said how I 'rode your cock better than any of your exes ever could or did. Even your ex wife.' It made me mad at you and I was told by my sisters to just ignore you for a day or two, but your parents and Lilah said to ignore you for longer then that, so I did and now I'm regretting it because your mad at me. Then when my sisters and I were talking about that night my tia and tio walked in on the conversation and told me how they were worried you were with me for just my body, but I stood up for you Y/n. I really did, but-" "but obviously it wasn't good enough."

She had tears threatening to fall down her face "but they wouldn't let up on me and pointed out all the signs of someone being used for their body or just for sex and so it made me question you a little bit and I know now that wasnt right. Then your sister had me believing me that you weren't being truthful about not know what was going on because you weren't that drunk and when you went to bed you were walking so straight and perfect that it made me believe her. So that's why I haven't spoke to you and I've been mad at you." You'd be mad at you too if you were in her shoes.

You just stood there, silent. "Y/n?" You wouldn't look up at her and your hat blocked your face so she couldnt see it and if she took a step towards you you'd take a step away "had I been told that right away I would've tried to fix it as fast as I could any way I could. You mean the world to me Luisa I dont want to lose you. Lilah always tries to fuck up the one thing I have going for me because she likes the drama it brings and you what? She succeeded again. Just like she does every time. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her when she said she'd never do it again." You were so mad you were on the verge of tears and Luisa could hear it in your voice "She does this to me every GOD DAMN TIME." You kicked the post you'd been standing by as hard as you could as the tears started to fall, but you did your best to not let them become uncontrolled.

"What do you mean?" You shook your head "every girlfriend I've ever been with has been blown because of that bitch I call I sister. She offers to do something for them, invites them to my place, gets me drunk off my ass where I don't even remember coming home sober or the whole day at all then says something to them loud enough she knows damn well I hear it and I start to talk about it and she makes sure it's something she knows will upset them. One girl, my ex wife, we had really been struggling to stay together anyway and Lilah did exactly what she did with you only she said something about where she worked. I went off about it, two days later I was signing divorce papers beacuse rhat was her dream job. I lost my daughter to her too. Her own mother who never wanted nothing to do with her until we married 2 years after she was born. We divorce when she was 3 and I haven't seen her since but I hear her mother isn't doing the best, but what does it matter, right? Its my fault she left me."

"I didn't know you had a daughter. At least not biologically." You nodded "She was an 'accident' when I was eighteen." You swallowed hard "the girls mom, my daughters grandma, wanted a grandchild and poked holes in my condom. And I'm not meaning 4 or 5 I'm meaning like 30, but I was young and dumb and blinded by my lust, so." You loved your diameter whole heartedly and talking about her was hard for you. "I had to take her from her mom completely after she was born cause her mom just wasn't a natural one and would abuse her, a newborn, her mother wanted, but couldnt of, so.J had ti be the responsible parent then I was the bad guy and just-" you let out a frustrated graon as you punched the same post you kicked earlier before you broke down.

"You better go. I need to finish some things." She shook her head then watched you wipe your nose on your sleeve before sniffling "I came here to apologize. I'm not leaving until you accept my apology, so Y/n im sorry. I did the wrong thing and I know that now. I know it won't change it, but I wanted to apologize because you mean the world to me too and I don't want to lose you either. You've been nothing but amazing to me and this is how I repaid you. I'm sorry Y/n." She had snuck closer to you as she spoke "if anyone should be sorry its me. I'm just a fuck up, who trusts people who've rubbed me wrong, to easy and should know better then to get mad at you over something my sister did to cause this whole mess. The only person who should be apologizing here is me, so Luisa I'm sorry. I'm sorry I fucked everything up like I normally do for everyone."

You squoze your eyes shut hoping it'd stop the tears from falling, but they only got worse when you felt Luisas arms wrap around you and she just held you there as you cried. Take it she was crying too and you tried to comfort her instead of the other way around, but it just didn't work as something in you just seemed to shatter that day.

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