Pt 56

62 1 0

"We have a new gift!" Willows gift was similar to Tio Brunos, but not quite the same. She could tell you something, anything, about you that you didn't even know yet, just by looking into your eyes and having you nod yes. From feelings to your past, present, and future, along with all your secrets, she could tell you all and I wasn't sure that was a good thing. Y/n could just about do that without having a gift and it honestly terrified me, but Willow having that gift scared me even more.

"Pst, mommy." I looked down at her as she tugged on my skirt "can I use my gift on you?" I smiled "sure. Can you tell me something I dont know about myself?" She nodded and looked into my eyes once I squatted down so I was her height then I nodded and within seconds she started to jump up and down excitedly "I couldn't find anything about you that you didn't know yet, but at you and daddy's wedding you'll be pregnant with a little boy." I heard someone start coughing behind us "WHAT!?" Everyone turned and looked at me at my sudden outburst "is that a bad thing?" I shook my head. "No, no its not I just, had a dream the other night about that same thing." She ambled "well its like what daddy says. Dreams are sometimes things you want to happen or are going to happen in life and sometimes they are things that scare you." Well I was scared now.

Warning a bit of NSFW talk/thoughts below this.

I found myself crossing my legs and daydreaming about Y/n and Casey fucking me at the same time as I sat in the kitchen to get away from the party. I squirmed at the thought of them taking turns and wondering if Y/n would even allow it. This morning he knew I was craving him and made sure I knew that he knew I was. The most we squoze in was a small finger fuck session, but I took it and loved every second of it.

"You ok?" I jumped hard enough I fell off the stool I was sitting on. "Yeah yeah I-I uh I'm fine." I stood up slowly "you look good on your knees. Especially when you look at me like that." He bit his lip "Y/n can...can I talk to you about something?" He folded his arms and leaned on the counter "is it about what Willow said?" I shook my head "no its about a...fantasy, i guess you could call it, that I've been having." He smirked "well in that case I'm listening." How was I going to word this that wouldn't piss him off or offend him? Would it even piss him off or offended him or would he not mind? Either way I need to figure out how to talk to him about it.

"Let me start with the last time we did what I want to do, I didn't get what I wanted because both of you didn't last very long that day. Mainly Casey." I watched his smirk fall and his eyes narrow as he tilted his head back slightly "you want me and Casey to fuck you at the same time don't you darlin? Take turns, make you beg and scream for us?" I let out a moan as the thought of it and what itd feel like went through my mind "I'll take that as a yes." He sighed "if that's what you want then I'm fine with it, but I don't think you know what your gettin into. Casey is, well..."

He looked around the room as he tried to find the right words.

"He gets too eager, too excited, he wont slow down and has a tendency to hurt himself or someone else. He might hurt you and I don't want that. He hurts you and I don't care if he's my best friend, but I'll kick his ass." I giggled "we don't have to if you dont want to mi amor, but I just want to feel you both inside me, I want to scream both your names, but most importantly I just want to hear you whimper as I fuck your best friend and you watch." I watched him do his little body shake when he gets a shiver up his spine then smirked "you'll regret saying that darlin. We'll meet you in the room after the party." He stood up straight then walked off and I smiled to myself. This man has turned me into a freak.

When I returned to Willows new room Y/n was talking to Casey and when they both noticed me staring at them I went red and turned away. Casey and Isa has been playing an off and on game recently, they'd be dating, then they'd be break up, then they'd get back together, then they'd split up again, and it was normally because he wouldn't compliment her like she wanted him too. They were currently in a moment of not being together and haven't been for a couple weeks now.

"Luisa are you ok?" I had been fidgeting without noticing "yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Papa and mamá looked at eachother then back to me "you just seem on edge and nervous mija. Is it over Willows gift?" I shook my head "no its not I just, it was a conversation I had with Y/n, he agreed to something I've been wanting to do and now I'm excited, but nervous." They nodded "we were just making sure you didn't feel nervous about her gift like we did yours when you first got it." They were nervous about my gift? "Why were you nervous about my gift?" My papa tilted his head sideways a moment then held it straight again "well...when you have a five year old with super human strength, things can go horribly wrong." Mamá nodded "we don't know how many of your toys you broke or how many door handles you broke while trying to learn to control your strength. The way you learned to control it was by holding and playing with Mirabel."

"You guys let me play with Mirabel?" They laughed nervously "not exactly. You were obsessed with her from the moment she was born and if she went missing out of her crib its because you'd sneak in her room and take her without telling any of us because when you'd ask to hold her or play with her we usually told you no in fear of you hurting her, but we quickly learned she was helping you learn to control your strength and started to allow you to carry her everywhere you went. You've always been an amazing big sister, so we know that when the time comes you'll be an amazing mother. More-so then you already are to Willow."

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