Pt 33

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As my family and some friends started to arrive most of them expected Luisa to be with me to meet them at the airport and weren't very nice about it either.

"You know with her being your fiance she should what to come with you to meet us." I sighed "shes a very busy person. She can only come with me to meet and pick up a few of you guys." Jona sighed "I know your problems Y/n. This is how they were with me too." Jona had been married for 5 years now and when everyone was flying out to his wedding it was a nightmare. His wife had to work most days, but normally could make it with him to pick someone up or meet them at home and he got alot of backlash from the aunts just like I am. "Yeah I know. Hey, I'm going to call Luisa real fast and-" I went to call her and my dad's sister ripped the phone from me "she should be the one calling you. Not you calling her." I sighed "I told her I'd call her or text her once I picked you guys up. With her being a Madrigal and a wedding going to happen there's alot going on which means she's got to move alot of things." I took my phone back and as if on cue she called me.

Y: hey darlin
L: hey I just wanted to call and see if you picked them up yet. Encanto is...crazy right now.
Y: yeah I know it is. I did pick them up and we will be on our way there shortly, but I did find something I think you'll look cute in and you'll like, so I bought it for you.
L: stop buying me stuff mi amor. I appreciate it and all, but-
Y: but nothing. You'll like this one. I promise. I can buy you whatever I want anyway. Ok I have to go. Te amo, nena.
L: te quiero también.

I hung up and my aunts and brother looked at me "you can speak Spanish?" I nodded "its fairly simple. Once your around it 24/7 anyway."

"Y/n!" I stopped dead in my tracks as Luisa almost ran me and my aunts over while carrying a cart full of supplies "sorry." My aunts stared in disbelief at her "whos that?" I checked Luisa out as she walked off with an extra sway to her hips "that is my fiance, Luisa Madrigal." She tossed the cart in the air and caught it with her other hand as she picked up another cart with a donkey attached to it and moved it out of her way "but anyway, your guys' guest house is right this way." I continued on my path and they followed until we reached the house

"It looks a little small." I sighed "well it's bigger on the inside. You guys can get settled. I have to run up to Casita and speak with Abuela and Julieta. I'll see you guys at dinner." I ran off and barely dodged getting ran over by Luisa again "Y/n you stupid pendejo." I laughed "sorry darlin. I'm in a hurry." When I made it to Casita I spoke with Julieta and Abuela about the food that should be set out "most my family isn't picky, but I have a few aunts and cousins that are, so I can cook for them because I already know they brought lists of things they expect to be there." Abuela looked at me shocked "yeah they are those type of people." When I was done there I met up with Casey and Jona at my place as we had plans for some songs.

"How about we make the drums and guitar more intense?" I nodded "I like it. Then how about right here and here we have like two half beats if the betas aren't that fast. If they are we could always do quarter beats. Rests. That's what I meant." Jona nodded "yeah, then I can come in right here. I think the song will be a hit." I nodded "kinda like Outlaws and Outsiders?" He nodded "speaking of which I heard you got Luisa to kinda sing in a song with you, what's it called?" I did the 'my lips are zipped' thing then laughed.

"Its a cover of 'she keeps me up' by Nickelback." They both smacked me "how'd you talk her into that one?" I shrugged "I dont know. I normally don't have to do much. Want to run over this real quick though? You already know mom and dad will want us to play it tonight." We went over the song and decided to make it a bit more upbeat and we were all really getting into it as we sang and added beats or removed them.

"Hand on the stick but his ain't no stick shift." I waited fory verse. "All my friends say she's bad for me, but maybe they should tell that to the Tennessee. Body on 10 when she hit the scene tonight." Jona backhanded me in the chest "who said you could sing better then me?" Casey laughed "literally everyone. Now let's go over this one last time and record it this time." We both nodded "ok. Ready whenever you are." Jona looked at me "I dont like the energy you have." I chuckled "you'll be fine."

Come right before dinner time as we all just sat chatting, Julieta had the radio on like normal when I said I just released a song and sure enough my name was the first thing to leave the radio ladies mouth. "Y/n L/n. Remember the name people. Also remember the names Jona L/n, and Casey Walters. They all released tonight that they recorded a song together called 'Ride it Hard' and the snippet they posted has everyone buzzing about it. I can guarantee this song will be number one for quite a while." Mom locked eyes with me and grinned before motioning for me and Jona to come over.

"You boys going to play that for us?" I looked at Jona "I told you." He snickered "I know you did. I dint think the aunts will like it." She shrugged "fuck them. Me and your dad want to hear it. We miss you boys singing together." We looked at eachother then motioned for Casey to come over "we're going to play it for them ok?" He nodded "ok thats fine. I'll find a speaker." As we looked around for a few things Luisa and her sisters showed up "what are you guys looking for?" We explained everything and they instantly walked over and grabbed what we were looking for "you guys are technically holding a concert?" We laughed "sure." I could tell it made Luisa happy seeing me like this.

We got everything set up and mom walked over to the one microphone "ok everyone pay attention please. My boys agreed to play a song they haven't yet released to the public, so understand we are lucky. Luisa you get a front row seat next to me and Y/ns father." Casita made a little stage for us after mom walked off and I took a deep breath before looking at Luisa who had a smile on her face "before anything let me just say this song will not be everyone's cup of tea. Casey you may do the honors." He started the music.

For the most part everyone cheered, but just as I predicted the aunts didn't like the song. Luisa on the other hand loved it, but then again that was just her. "If you boys want to keep everyone entertained for a while longer you can." We all looked at eachother and shrugged "ok. Luisa you got any suggestions?" She got all shy being put on the spot " about the other one you haven't released yet?" I shrugged "ok. You guys ok with it?" I looked at the other two and they nodded as people from town started to file in. "First off all I know alot of people won't like this one either, but it is what it is."

"You boys ok playing for another hour or two?" Fuck yeah I was "yeah, I am anyway." The other two nodded and Luisa gave me a mischievous grin "you should sing dangerous man." I shook my head "no, I'm not doing that. I'll get Casey to sing the booze cruise though." I knew Isabella secretly liked Casey, so I was trying to do him a favor here "what one?" He stepped towards me "the booze cruise." He smiled "I love that one."

"We are open to suggestions from anyone." Willow looked up at me "daddy?" I grinned "what baby?" Luisa stuck her on the stage "can you sing Treasure?" I smiled "yeah of course." She jumped off the stage into Luisas lap "so this one is one of my daughter's favorites, so I can't tell her no when she asks me to sing it. Luisa likes it quite a bit too. This is called treasure."

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