Pt 9 (NSFW)

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Warnings ⚠️: small NSFW snippet at the end ;)

Luisa and I didn't really exchange as much as glances for about a week and just about everyone in Encanto could feel that something was off.

The one morning I woke up to someone knocking on my front door, so I threw on some pajama pants so I could make sure it wasn't an emergency "yeah?" It was Luisas sisters, and their cousin as well as some of their friends "uh can I help you ladies?" I had no clue on why they were here "wrong house! Everybody let's go." The Madrigals started to push everyone away, but my sister popped her head out of the group of people "no its not. Just stand up and say what you came here to say!" Oh boy "and that would be?" I looked at Isabella "guys what are you doing?" Fucking christ. Of course Luisa had to show up "we came here to tell Y/n that-" Luisa shook her head "you don't need to tell him anything. Let the man sleep in or whatever he does in the mornings."

She had sweat clear across her body and my mind started to wander which was a bad thing. "No it's ok. What do you have to say little lady?" I gave her a certain look that could always make women lose their train of thought and leave "I-I uh...what did we come here for again?" I glanced at Luisa as her sisters started to burn up and she mouth a 'thank you' to me "look I got things to do, so if you'll excuse me." I went to shut door and my sister stopped it "oh no you don't." I made sure to stand up straight so she couldn't reach my ear, so she went for a nipple crippler instead "oh hell no." I folded my arms over my chest and thats when she broke out the taser and buzzed it at me.

"I swear to god." She cornered me "I swear to God I ain't never hit a woman before but if you taze me I won't hesitate." I had been tazed before and it was not fun and that was through clothes, so I could only imagine how it'd feel on bare skin "then let the women talk." She buzzed it twice at me and I grabbed what was closest to me "no." She raised her eyebrows and got dangerously close to me with it as I left what I had grabbed behind and jumped my table "oh country boys still got it." I put the table between me and her until she jumped over it too and chased me to the front door where I collided into Luisa, who was trying to persuade her sisters to leave, and sent both of us flying off my front steps.

My steps were high enough off the ground that I had enough time to grab Luisa and position us so she'd land on me as we hit the walkway. "¿Estás bien?" I nodded as I rubbed the back of my head and met eyes with Luisa "im fine. Really." I now noticed the crowed had disapaited and it was just my sister and the Madrigal girls here "you sure?" Why was Luisa so worried about me? "Yes I'm sure hermoso." I paused realizing what I said as I took Luisas hand she offered me and stood up "you've got pretty bad road rash on your back Y/n. You might want to go see Julieta." I nodded "ok." They all practically escorted me to their mother and tia who gladly offered me some food "oh Y/n!" I turned and Looked at Julieta as I was just walking away "yeah?" She came over to me and took my hand.

"Gracias por salvar a mi hija." I gave her a warm smile "de nada, but I wouldn't call it save her. I just did what was right." She patted my hand "Abuela would also love to have you over for dinner tonight." I kept my smile "I'll be there." She gave me a smile like most mothers do when they are happy or proud or their kid "im sure Dolores will let her know. I better let you get back to your chores now, so you can get there on time." I chuckled "ok. See you at dinner Julieta."

As I walked away I mentally scolded myself for telling her I'd be there. I wanted to have dinner with the Madrigals, but I had a feeling I knew why they were inviting me over. That also meant I had to see Luisa and my mind hasn't been my friend at all the last few days, so when she was at the barn which is where I needed to be until dinner I had to do my best to keep my composure the rest of the night.

"Oh hello Y/n." I tipped my cowboy hat at her as a way to say hello "how are you today?" Oh come on. I wanted to talk to you, but not in this way. "I've been better." I could hear the change in my voice "oh? What do you mean by that?" Damnit Luisa stop doing that. "I just uh" I cleared my throat "have had alot on my mind." Normally my libido wasn't this high, what the hell? And normally I could keeo the thoughta down. She nodded "so uh how's your day been? Since after we collided and all?" Maybe if I kept my mind off of...that, then maybe I'd be ok "just been busy doing things." Oh I've got something you could- no Y/n no, stop that. "Oh really?" She did this little breathy chuckle "yeah, actually it's the busiest I've been since Casita fell. I made sure to still take my breaks and sit down or eat when I needed to." I've got something you could sit on and eat right here.

"Hey Luisa?" She looked up at me since I now stood in the loft "yeah?" I took in a deep breath "how do you feel about people who only ever have one thing on their mind?" She gave me an odd look "it depends what that thing is, but I usually don't mind." Oh you'd definitely mind what I have on my mind "why do you ask?" I shrugged "no reason." She raised a brow at me "you sure?" I nodded and turned away from her "yeah I'm sure." I heard her start to move a few things around "how do you feel about people like that?" I shrugged "much like you it depends, but if it's somethings like sex or something I usually don't mind cause we all have days like that unless it comes down to an unhealthy everyday literally can't think of anything else type of thing." She giggled "you've got bad things on your mind don't you?" I felt my face burn up and I gritted my teeth a moment.

"Uuhh...I can't answer that." I heard her giggle again "I think you do. Your voice sounds different. Your also acting a little weirder then normal." I scoffed "im not weird. Odd maybe, but not weird." I held my breath a moment "I dont know. You like to drive people crazy by letting them kiss you then-" I looked down at her "keep talking and I won't hurt you, but I will shut you up in some way." I watched her eyes light up "then just ignore them for like a week until you-" I jumped from the loft down and landed on my feet then started towards her "run into them and have no choice then to talk to them. Oop." She backed herself into a wall and scared herself when she bumped into it giving me the perfect opportunity to be able to place an arm above her and get close.

"Now you listen here little lady, I'm a nice man, but I will not hesitate to torture you in all the right ways." I lowered my voice when I said the last part and her face went all shades of red before reaching the darkest shade. "Oh?" I clenched my jaw "and quit fuckin doing that damn sound. It drives me nuts." She let out a quiet giggle.

Ages 16+ past here

"I love your accent." I narrowed my eyes at her "dont change the subject either." She cocked her head "how's that changing the subject?" She had almost a smug look on her face until she felt me hook my fingers under the hem of her skirt "trust me, it is." She narrowed her eyes at me "how so?" I slid my hand down further into her skirt until I found her panties and stopped at the hem of them "like I said, trust me that it is." She bit her lip "but I want to know how, so ngh-" I had slipped my hand into her panties and slid my fingers between her folds only to find she was very wet. "You still want to know how it's changing the subject?" I leaned in to whisper it in her ear and she nodded as I played with her clit gently.

"Thats not the right answer." I stopped my actions and she pouted at me "well do you?" She nodded again "yeah because it doesn't make any sense that I changed the subject when-" I took her words away by slamming two of my fingers into her and making her breath hitch "fuck your wet. I like that." I nipped at her earlobe as I started to curl my fingers "lets see how strong you really are." She moaned out quietly and I chuckled "Be quiet for me darlin. We dont want to get caught do we?" She shook her head "no? You don't want to be quiet?" My voice was just barely above a whisper "n-no I meant- ah fuck." She was close and we just barely got started, so I stopped my motions "what was that?" She bit her lip and was quiet for a moment with only a small whine escaping her mouth as she started to grind her hips onto my hand "ah ah ah" I pulled my fingers out of her and started to rub her clit ever so slowly.

"I said no noise honey." She suddenly gripped my bicep and I stopped what I was doing and glanced at her face. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes were closed, and her head was tilted down, she also had a look of concentration, almost, on her face and I knew she was trying to stay quiet so she could reach her high, so I gave her what she wanted. "Mmm, fuck you feel good darlin." I entered her slowly with my fingers once more and curled them while rubbing circles on her clit with my thumb as well as pulling the collar of her shirt to the side far enough I could leave a hickey on her where it was fairly sensitive for most women, but not quite on their collar bone or neck area.

I sucked and bit in just the right spot and could hear in how she was breathing that she was having a real hard time staying quiet, so once I left a good sized hickey where I wanted it i went back up to her ear "see what happens when you listen? You get rewarded." I placed a kiss on her neck then felt her walls tighten around my fingers and she couldn't stop herself from letting out a moan as she came. I made sure to keep rubbing her clit and curling my fingers to over-stimulate her before pulling them out and stepping back so she'd look at me as I licked/sucked them off.

Safe past here :)

"I'll see you at dinner darlin."

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