Pt 6

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"Did I say I was twenty-five yesterday?" Casey looked at me "I think you did, yeah. When are you releasing your next-" I slapped a hand over his mouth "dont say anything, please." He nodded "oh yeah, cause your all secret identity and shit. Its stupid." You sighed "this is why we can't work together. I want to strangle your ass, all the damn time." He laughed not believing me. "Oh yeah your girlfriends grandma is throwing some type of party and its for single people only. Maybe you and your girlfriend can hook up there." I sighed irritated at his train of thought "I'm not here for a relationship Casey. I'm not here to just fuck people either. I've told you this several times." He sighed, now irritated with me.

"You are such a party pooper. You know that right? You never want to have fun anymore, your always serious about everything you do, you can't just relax and enjoy a women's pussy for once, you literally always have to have a problem with something I say." I bit my tongue and ignored him "well you gonna say something?" I ignored him some more until he scoffed and left "be that way you dick." I shook my head once he was gone and sighed knowing I now had twice the work to do.

I had been working for the last four hours by myself with little to no human interaction, so I decided to work on my song. "You're the last thing that I thought I'd lose all I ever wanted was to be loved by you. I let you back in and I gave you a second chance. Like a jet plane on a clear boo sky." I pulled a weird face "that wasn't right... jet plane on a clear blue sky sun came shinin down on all your lies. I got to much pride to let that happen again, so this is where it ends." I used an old empty barrel to keep my rhythm "had to bury all your memories, couldn't see what everybody sees. Red flags said I should've walked out that door." I jumped when I heard someone fling the door open "were you just listening to that dude off TikTok?" I nodded "yeah...?" Mirabel sat a box of stuff down "Luisa is head over heels for that guy and his music. It's kinda funny. I bet you two would get along great if you told her you listened to his music."

I looked at her over my shoulder "oh yeah?" She nodded "yeah. She's like stupid in love with the guy. She says he's hot all the time. If you bring him up that's probably the first thing she'll tell you." She snorted "Isabella will tell you the same thing and to be fair he is a good looking guy and does have a nice voice, but I'm not as crazy about him as those two are." I chuckled "sounds about right. All siblings have that one celebrity or some shit that they all like and nine times out of ten all the siblings except one has some type of weird obsession with the person." She laughed "so you have siblings?" I nodded "yep. Two brothers and a sister."

I continued to repair one of the carts for the donkeys "well this box of stuff is food from my mamá. She seen your friend Casey wandering around and not working and figured you could use some food to encourage you to take a break." I sat the hammer down "tell her I said thank you. I'll take a break once I get this wheel fixed." I seen her look at it from behind me when I looked and reached for the screwdriver "how much longer will that be?" I wiped my brow "about five minutes. Not long at all." She stood and watched me until I was done fixing the wheel and grabbed some food from the box she brought "ok I'll go now." "Just had to make sure I was going to take a break? I'm not like Luisa." She looked away from me when I looked at her from across the room "it was my mamás orders to make sure you'd at least eat." I hummed with a mouthful "well I'm eating, so you can go." She awkwardly walked away slowly until she was out of sight.

I was left in the barn long past dark still doing work that could've been done a long time ago had Casey not been an ass, but also starting on tomorrow's jobs as I couldn't sleep anyway and needed to do something to pass the time. "Y/n? What are you doing here so late?" It was the barn owner and my main boss. "Got behind on things and I'm also starting things for tomorrow." She stared at me like I was nuts "well you need to head home. I have things I need to do in here. My usual night routine." I stood up and stretched "ok I'll go home. What time do you need me here in the morning?" She shrugged "you can show up around eight. Gives you three extra hours of sleep. Although it won't matter much since it's past midnight." Damn I didn't know it was that late. I said my goodbyes to her then made my way home, running into Casey in the process, but we didn't exchange any words.

The next morning I slept through all my alarms and was in a rush to leave to the point I forgot my boots and had to go back for them, then realized I forgot one of my good shirts for work and had to go back for one of those, then realized I forgot my phone, but wasn't about to go back again just for my phone.

"You're late." I groaned "I know and I didn't mean to be. I slept through all my alarms." She huffed "dont let it happen to many more times ok?" I nodded "yes ma'am. My apologies. I'll make sure not to do it again." She hummed "you better not."

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