Pt 24

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"Casey damn you." He laughed "you gotta do it cause you lost." I sighed "she'll kill me Casey, I can't." He shrugged "I dont think she'll kill you." "Ok but if I post it like your telling me to do she won't be happy." Casey scoffed "dude just have fun. It's just a trend. She might just laugh it off." I wasn't so sure about that. She wasn't exactly happy with me after this morning when I talked Camilo into pouring ice cold water on her in the shower.

Earlier that day:

"Camilo I'll pay you if you do it." I held up some money "I'll do it for free, but...if she catches me I'm telling her the truth. She's scary when she's mad." "Thats fine. Just make sure you have a fast get away route. Like leave the door open." He nodded as I handed him a pitcher with water in it then he snuck into the bathroom and I followed him and stood just outside the door when I heard the water splash and her gasp "Camilo!" Then I seen Camilo dart out and suddenly pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door on me as he handed me the pitcher. "Oh shit."

I grabbed the door and attempted to open it as she flung the shower curtain back, but it wouldn't open "Luisa, Luisa I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Fuck! Camilodiditnotme!" I shrunk almost to the floor as she stood above me wrapped in a towel with her hands on her hips "then why are you cowering?" I held my hands up as she reached towards me "I-I because I told him to do it." She grabbed me by the back of my shirt and lifted me up "Luisa, Luisa I'm sorry." She sighed clearly upset then sat me down "just go so I can shower." I nodded then left.

Back to now:

Casey handed me the last bag of special feed for an older donkey and I stuck it in the stack where it was supposed to go when Luisa walked in "Hola señor Rendon. Do you need me to-" he shook his head and stuck his hand up "those two got everything done." He motioned to us and I acted like I didn't see it "oh ok. Do you know if anyone else may need my help?" My phone started to ring and it was my mother, so I left the building then answered it

Y: yeah mom?
M: can you please tell your daughter to stop- ow! Throwing things at me.
Y: why is she throwing things at you?
M: because I told her we couldn't call you cause you were busy working.
Y: ooohhh. Yeah put me on speaker.
M: ok I will. *silence* ok your on speaker.
Y: Willow you have to be nice to mamaw. Daddy is working so he can't-HEY!

I jumped and looked to see who just smacked my ass to see Luisa walking away with a smug grin and an extra sway to her hips.

Y: I'm working so I can't video chat ok? You can call me tonight and I'll talk with you alright? Just stop throwing things at mamaw and be nice. Would you like it if someone threw stuff at you?
W: no I wouldnt. I'm sorry daddy.
Y: apologize to mamaw not me.
W: I'm sorry mamaw.
M: it's ok. Just don't make me.have to call your dad again ok? Say bye to him.
W: ok mamaw. Bye daddy I love you.
Y: bye baby I love you too.

"Who was that?" I jumped at the sudden voice besides me. It was Camilos girlfriend again. He obviously didn't take Luisas side on this "my daughter." I started to walk "you have a daughter? That must mean your good at what you do." I ignored her and she still persisted, so Casey tried to talk with her, but she blew him off completely "oh yeah I heard from someone that you-" I blocked her out until I felt Casey staring at me "what?" He looked back all nonchalant and I followed his gaze until I seen Mirabel on top of the girl punching her and I rushed over "Mira hey, stop." I grabbed her and pulled her away as Camilos girlfriend got up and came after Mirabel, so Casey grabbed her and held her back "maybe that will teach you not to flirt with my sisters boyfriend or juega con el corazón de mi primo."

"Yeah well-" I got Mirabel to stay in one place then turned and looked at Camilos girlfriend "you be quiet." Her face went red and she fell silent "as for you, what were you doing?" Mirabel out her head down "she shouldn't be messing around with Camilos heart if she's out here flirting with everyone else. Including you." I pinched the bridge of my nose "I get that, but Luisas already spoke to Camilo about it and he ain't listenin' to her or anyone else. Including me. I dont want the kid to get hurt, but damnit Mirabel if he ain't listenin let his dumb ass learn the hard way." Luisa must've heard the commotion because her and a crowd started to draw closer to us "it just seems rude to let it happen that way." I sighed "I understand that, but we all have to learn something the hard way and I guess for him it ought to be this."

Mirabel tried to stare me down until I looked away, but I didn't move one bit. She was the one to give in and look away in the end. "I don't have to apologize to her do I?" I shook my head "no you don't, but you can try talkin some sense into that primo of yours." She nodded "um I expect an apology." The girl folded her arms as I turned to look at her "the way I see it is if you can't keep your legs closed or other guys dicks out of your mouth when your in a relationship you don't deserve an apology." I watched Casey's jaw drop "so how about you work on that before demanding something like an apology after someone just set your ass straight." She tried doing the same thing Mirabel did and she lost too.

"Now, how about we all go back to our chores and jobs and leave one another alone?" They both nodded and everyone split "Casey let's go." I clenched my jaw as he caught up to me "she burn through your last nerves?" I sighed and shook my head "yeah she has." He laughed "I can tell."

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