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First of all I am good in all the household work and i am not even looks bad.

I know I will get married with someone who wants a girl who work for him serve him whatever he wants.

But I didn't have any problem with that because I saw so many girls till this day who gets beaten by their husbands and still they serve them.

So internally I am even ready for that till this day everyone tell me that husband is like a owner of his wife.

And wife have duties to make him happy.

Avu pov 🤔

Even because of all the thoughts I listen till this date.

I didn't mind if my husband will get angry on me and in that he beats me Or something like that.

The thing is I am ready for everything I just need someone who get ready to marry me.

But it is not easy , from last one year the couple Upbrings me searching someone for me.

But they didn't want to spend a single rupee on me now that's why they are not getting anyone who get married to me without taking any dowry.

On my 18th birthday there is nothing like celebration of my birthday because I am not a family member of them actually I just live with them.

But today they all are happy because I am in the legal age when I get married to someone.

My friend came to meet me she get married when she was 16 year old in the term of number West Bengal is second highest in number of Under age girls wedding.

14 percent girls in West Bengal get married before completing their 18 in age.

She told me something with make me scared a bit now actually she get married with a guy who beats him everyday.

She told me that she get treated like a slave in his house.

She hardly get some food there so she suggests me to get ready for all that torture.

Avu pov 🤔

For the first time in my life someone told me about the relationship between a husband and wife after marriage.

She explain me that how her husband have a relationship with her every night no matter what she wants it or not.

I have so many doubts after that but I didn't ask anything from her right now.

But after just a day my wedding get fixed my parents who upbrings me are so happy.

Stay tuned

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