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After all this romantic start of Morning Avneet came back to her room and she was thinking that she should find it out.

She is curious to know that What was the connection between Siddharth and Avneet after this memory loss.

But she is not understanding this, with whom she can enquire this.

Sometimes she is feeling to talk to Vaishnavi or Abhishek but then she is thinking that Siddharth is brother of Abhishek so whatever she will talk to them it will directly go to him.

And it can really be so embarrassing if she get to know later that it was not like that she was expecting.

But a guest came to meet her,

When she was busy in her thoughts.

It's Anushka.

Vaishnavi welcome her.

Vaishnavi knew Anushka from so long so she didn't had any hesitation to bring her to Avneet's room.

Vaishnavi introduce Anushka with Avneet as siddharth's friend.

Anushka : how are you feeling now I get to know about your accident, I really feel so bad for you.

Avneet : but now I am feeling better.

Anushka : that's good news.

Vaishnavi : you two have a conversation I will join you later I have a little bit work to do.

Avneet : sure bhabhi.

Anushka : by the way didi where is Siddharth it's been so long I didn't seen him.

Vaishnavi : he must be in office you can go there and meet him.

Avneet felt unknown jealous from anushka.

Anushka came with the plan to feed her mind with this misunderstanding that Siddharth is dating her.

Avneet : siddharth and you must be very good friends.

Anushka : you can say more than friends, he is lifeline to me and same goes with him.

Avneet : ohh. (So jealous)

Anushka : by the way I feel to happy that you are recovering very well from you memory loss.

Avneet : all credit goes to my family I mean Abhishek Bhaiya, Vaishnavi bhabhi and siddharth too.

Anushka : ohh you meant him?

Avneet : he lives here only na.

Stay tuned.

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