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Avneet is feeling happy.

Avneet : but I didn't carry anything with me so?

Siddharth : don't worry about anything, I arrange everything already in last night. So right now we just have to run out from here to get some time to figure out and sort everything.

Avneet : but sir... (Siddharth stop him)

Siddharth : my name is Siddharth, so you can call me by my name, you didn't need to call me sir. (Said while driving car)

Avneet : but, we can't take name of our husband in our culture.

Siddharth : don't be that old thinker my dear wife, now who follows those things, and husband and wife are equal in relationship always so if I can call you by your name you can call me by my name also. (Said showing equality)

Avneet : it is not about old thinker, its just a way for me to show respect to a person who cares for you.

Siddharth : okay then find something sounds more loving suits a husband wife relationship. (Said looking into his eyes).

Avneet is not believing that how suddenly everything changed in her life just in one night.

Siddharth sounds like he loves her a lot. Actually Siddharth always care for me, he always gave her so much support and love but it is first time as a wife.

Avneet : you know what this is the most happy day of my life, I never feel this much happiness ever before. I was feeling like maybe after today we will be apart from each other. (With a happy and the sad tone at the same time)

It is something like mix up of emotions because Avneet is not able to forget everything so easily whatever happen in her life in last few days.

Siddharth : it was all my fault, Avneet. In my selfishness I didn't look forward for your happiness and made our relationship a hell place to live for you.

Avneet : no, it all was so beautiful, you did so much for me.

Siddharth : you are too cute. (Said pulling her cheeks)

Avneet : thank you.

Siddharth : but now it is time to make up for mistakes.

Stay tuned

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