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Anushka enters in the cabin.

She greets him morning with a warm hug.

Anushka : good morning Siddharth

Siddharth : good morning, what are you doing here early in this morning? (He wasn't expecting her)

Anushka : what happened for the first time in your life, you are asking me like this, are you expecting someone else?

Siddharth : no.. Not like that..

Anushka : by the way I must say....I am really proud of you Siddharth.

Siddharth : for what?

Anushka : you know that very well you can hide anything from anyone but not from me, I am talking about what you did yesterday?

Siddharth gets nervous, he consider it like she get to know about his marriage with Avneet.

Siddharth : I am sorry I don't get it what are you talking about? (Wiping sweat from his forehead)

Anushka : Aree i am talking about that land deal you did... it was really tough to get NOC from 100 different families for that land.

Siddharth : ohh

Anushka : what happen... You seems worry about something... I hope everything is good.

Siddharth : yes, yes everything is more than good.

Anushka : better... Achaa listen... I want to talk to you.

Siddharth : what?

Anushka : it is about Riyaz.

Siddharth : hmm (not interested in him in anyway).

Anushka : why you get such a boring expression whenever I take name of Riyaz I know you don't like him much but he is such a nice guy.

Siddharth : I know better about that so called nice guy.

Anushka : don't say like this Siddharth you know I like him so much.

Siddharth : this is the only problem. (Inaudible)

Anushka : what did you just said problem....he is not a problem Mr Siddharth Nigam.

Siddharth : yeah yeah I know... by the way I am so sorry but I am not interested to talk about that guy in early in the morning.

Anushka : okay okay... I just thought to share with you if you don't want to know then it's okay. (With a sad face stated)

Siddharth : don't play so dramatic okay tell me what happened?

Anushka : it is not dramatic yaar I am seriously sad, I get to know that Riyaz dating someone.

Siddharth : are you serious? (Happily)

Anushka : what kinda expression is this now... I am sad.

Siddharth : yeah sorry... but Anushka you should understand that guy is not made for you, if he is dating someone else.

Anushka : maybe.

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