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Siddharth : good morning Avneet.

Avneet : good morning. I am sorry sir I get late to wake up today. Actually I was making a painting yesterday night... Which I wanna show you... Wait.

Siddharth holds her hand.

Avneet look at him, he looks tensed.

Siddharth : I want to talk to you something very important, Avneet!!

Avneet : what happen sir?

Siddharth : avneet, our divorce filed, it's under procedure now.

Avneet felt like her heart stop beating for a second.

Siddharth : I know it will hurt you even I am not feeling good by all this happening but being honest it is really a right time to move on in our life.

Avneet remains silent, she always cried but her heart always have hope that one day everything will be good in her life.

But today that hope is even broken.

Avneet : it's okay sir, we knew it that it will happen one day.

Siddharth : hm... Uhm... we can't stay together anymore, so i arrange a residence for you near by city ends so i will drop you there tonight, don't worry there is everything makes you comfortable.

Avneet : except you. (Now she can't hold herself strong anymore and she burst out of crying)


[I never know that writing something emotional can make an author cry too]


Let's continue...

After a five minutes long hug, avneet asks siddharth that can't she stay with him here for some more days.

Siddharth said it's a legal procedure making an excuse to her.

Now Avneet have nothing to say anymore to him she just control herself and get ready with a smile to encourage him to send her anywhere he want because she don't want to come between his happiness and him at any cost.

Doesn't matter how much it gonna hurt her.

Siddharth : I will arrange everything best for you there and I will come every month to meet you once there.

Avneet : then other 29 or 30 days of month, I will wait for that one day for rest of my life.

Stay tuned

I am giving so many updates together as I don't want my readers want to wait with sad storyline for long and sorry if I am boring you ☹️

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