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Next day,

Now Siddharth have divorce paper ready with the sign of Avneet so he take an appointment with the Legal advisor team to know what best can happen in this situation.

Siddharth left for the meeting early morning before Avneet wake up.

He told maid to inform Avneet, that he will be late tonight so have dinner on time and sleep.

Avneet nodded and decide to spend her day in room with her paintings.

But today something is big gonna happen, Siddharth left for the meeting with Lawyers and he didn't inform this in office.

He informed in office that he will be at home today and he don't want any disturbance today.

Here a new character join the story:

Abhishek Nigam : elder cousin brother of Siddharth Nigam who runs his own business in America.

Abhishek Nigam is the only family member left for him in his family after siddharth's family pass away, Abhishek always there for him.

He was the biggest support pillar for Siddharth in that tough time that's why Siddharth respect him most in this world.

Today Abhishek coming back to India to meet his brother after almost 2 years he is so excited to meet Siddharth but he didn't inform him, because he want to give surprise to him.

Abhishek reach India.

He decided to go to the office of Siddharth and meet him the first he came in India for an important meeting and after 2 days he is going back to USA.

He asked Siddharth's secretary to confirm that Siddharth is in the office only but he got a message from office that Siddharth didn't present in office today he take a leave and he is taking rest in residence today.

Abhishek feel more happy with this because it is more comfortable to spend time with him at home rather than in office.

He reach the Villa directly.

Abhishek is ready to give a surprise to Siddharth but here a shock is waiting for him.

He is gonna get a surprise today.

He knocks the door, and everyone welcome him inside.

Abhishek : where is sid?

Maid : I am so sorry sir but Siddharth sir is not at home today. He must be in office now.

Abhishek : I got to know that he is at home only.

Abhishek is about to call Siddharth when Avneet came out from her room.

Stay tuned for more.

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