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Siddharth : you are so sweet, but don't you dare to talk about death and all again I hate all this.

Avneet : okay okay, sorry.

Siddharth : better.

Avneet : so what should we do?

Siddharth is in double mind, but seeing her, making his mouth is fully watered.

Avneet said she will wait for his decision and she laid down on bed, she did it innocently but it was really teasing.

Siddharth POV

She is lying on bed naked waiting for me and my decision. I keep the other thoughts out of my mind and pounce on her, and within seconds our lips get locked and both started smooching very hardly.

I made many love bites on her neck but without using my teeth on her beautiful skin.

I slipped down on her boobs and, now I am not asking and thinking before taking move so I start sucking them.

She ran her hands through my hairs and giving me support and my face going closer to her boobs, she start taking control over me.

I change on her boobs periodically and she is just enjoying my sucking to the core.

We are just rolling over the bed and doing all this.

I get involved and start playing with those nipples and I am circling around the nipples, start to suck them again.

By that time my dick start growing harder and big, as much as it can make her scare.

While she is adjusting herself, maybe she is thinking that how will she adjust this long length inside that small tight pussy.

Her hands made contact with my manhood, I am still sucking her boobs and she hold it.

Avneet : do you think, it fits there.

Siddharth : yes baby. (I said teasingly).

Avneet : okay then I wanna try.

Saying this she went down and started exploring it.

My manhood was already set free in air and she is touching it and doing the back and fro movement.

I am enjoying that, that is the first time I am feeling her, she is touching my dick and giving a hand-job. All this is so new for her, but she adapts everything in a minute so sharply.

Stay tuned

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