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Avneet : if you are happy then what I can wish more from my God.

Siddharth : again thanks Avneet. But now you have so many admirers for your work. You can make a whole art piece gallery over here.

Avneet smiled.

Siddharth : uhm.. I think you deserve reward for that painting.

Avneet : I already got everything in my life I don't wish for anything more and seriously nothing worth more than your happiness to me. (Said shyly)

Siddharth : ohk.. I know you are happy with my happiness but now it is my responsibility as well make you happy so tell me what can I do for you?

Avneet : Uhmm.. Nothing.

Siddharth : are you sure?

Avneet : I want something actually...

Siddharth : don't be feel hesitated and tell me what you want?

Avneet : can we go somewhere out? (She got this idea from a movie she was watching yesterday for timepass, she watched in that movie how couples spend quality time together)

Siddharth thinks for a moment.

Avneet : I know you have must a very busy schedule so we can go whenever you wish.. I am not in hurry. (Said to make him comfortable)

Siddharth : I promise you that I will fulfill your wish. So i will... we will go for dinner tomorrow itself. (Said smiling)

Avneet get too happy.

Siddharth felt happy for her too.

Siddharth POV

I don't know whether it is right or wrong I don't want her to grow feeling for me.

But I can't hurt her feelings as well she already see so many bad days in her life already in a very young age.

So, I just want to try to heal her heart not to give her more pain.

Don't think much Siddharth you are just going for a dinner. And she will be happy with this so nothing is wrong in it.

POV ends

Siddharth and Avneet slept in their respective rooms.

Avneet is really so excited for this dinner plan this is for the very first time in her life she is going out with someone she wanna spend time.

Siddharth is happy seeing her excitement. He have a meeting in evening, he told Avneet that he will be back before 7:00 p.m. and pick her.

Avneet happily nodded and promise him that she will be ready.

Stay tuned

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