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Anushka : I don't know what to do now I love him but I can't stay with him like this if he keep on trying on other girls. (Said sadly)

Siddharth : give one more chance to your relationship Anushka, maybe it works.

Siddharth want to completely expose him in front of her, he want that Anushka hate him because then only he can confess his feelings to her.

Anushka : do you really think Siddharth he can change?

Siddharth : love can change anyone Anushka believe it, do one thing call him for a lunch. We will sort it out.

Anushka : yeah okay. You are right maybe he is really caring about Avneet thinking that you are dominating on her.

Siddharth : do you think I can do anything like this.

Anushka : no yar.. I know you much better than anyone else.

Siddharth : thanks.

Anushka invite Riyaz for lunch, he is looking to sort their problems on this lunch.

Riyaz came on the given venue.

Even Avneet reach the venue before Anushka and Siddharth with driver.

Riyaz see her and his evil brain get active, actually Riyaz is not a bad guy but he can't stay with a girl for long.

He is kinda playboy, he spend some days with one girls then find any other one for fling.

Riyaz went near Avneet.

Before the conversation start, siddharth and Anushka join them as well.

Riyaz : what a funny situation, you came with my girlfriend, when I am with your girlfriend, let's swap bro.

Siddharth : it was not funny Riyaz.

Anushka even feel more disgusted on this statement of riyaz.

Siddharth : let's go inside we have a lot of time for so many conversation.

Avneet smiled and walk behind siddharth.

Riyaz always feel burns internally when Avneet going behind Siddharth in this obeying manner.

Anushka : riyaz I wanna talk to you?

Riyaz : what? (Looking at Avneet).

Anushka : Stop looking at Avneet, Riyaz she is Siddharth's girlfriend.

Siddharth pulls a chair for avneet offer her to sit.

Anushka : just see, do you think siddharth torture her or dominate her. Siddharth is really perfect boy for anyone.

Stay tuned.

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