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Siddharth unbutton the 2nd button too.

Only two more buttons holding her shirt on her body she don't want to lose them for now it is not a good time and not a right situation as well.

Avneet : sir..

Siddharth isn't listening to her right now. Actually all his focus is on the button of her shirt.

Taking those two buttons apart, siddharth got enough skin to kiss her collar bone, and the bra which she is wearing is visible to him too.

Which is making her feel more shy and drowned in the blush.

Siddharth is kissing and licking her collar bone.

Siddharth hands went down to free rest two buttons of shirt.

But now avneet holds his hands.

Siddharth looked at her.

Avneet : no sir, not this. (Holding his hands)

Siddharth : uhm.. (He felt bad, not in sense of thinking)

He said sorry.

Avneet : I am sorry. But...

Siddharth keep on looking at her eyes.

Siddharth hands are still there.

Avneet lose her permission and consent in that look. She don't know when her hands get weak and she left her hands.

Siddharth : uhm.. Can I?

Avneet : now as you wish I won't stop you.

The decision change in one look now avneet decided that she have no reason to stop Siddharth because she didn't have to make him sad anymore so whatever he will do is his choice now.

Siddharth unbuttons the rest two buttons too.

Siddharth take off her shirt and now the bra is only between him and her.

Siddharth continues kissing her between her breasts and cleavage exposed from this bra.

Avneet let him do all what going on in his mind, and siddharth continue licking and kissing her body for 10 minutes more, now he seems exhausted.

They came on bed, siddharth hugged her from besides.

He is getting obsessed with the neck of Avneet. He start kissing her there again, his teeths marking love bites on her neck also.

Avneet have no senses right now to feel hurt when even his teeth are digging in her sensitive skin when he is giving hickey on her neck.

Almost after 20 minutes, Siddharth slept cuddling her.

As expected before early morning all the effect of alcohol gone off from Siddharth.

And the thing gonna make it difficult for siddharth to face avneet. As he remember everything he did last night with Avneet.

Stay tuned

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