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Abhishek : by the way you are not gym from last 4-5 days Siddharth you should continue your daily schedule.

Siddharth : yes bhaiya I was thinking to continue from this Sunday.

Avneet : gym means, that movie wala exercise place. (She said with so innocent curious expression).

Vaishnavi : yes, we have it in this house only and all thanks to Mr fitness freak Siddharth Nigam.

Avneet : can i see?

Abhishek : you are owner of everything avneet, you didn't need to ask anyone.

Avneet : thank you bhaiya. I also want to exercise and maintain myself.

Abhishek : I am sorry Avneet I am not allowing you for this right now you are recovering from your accident so not now.

Vaishnavi : but exercises are good for her I will ask doctor Abhishek, and Siddharth will guide her I think it is not a bad idea.

Avneet : thank you bhabhi.

Abhishek : okay okay but Siddharth I am giving you this responsibility take care of her. He will show you his gym area next morning.

Vaishnavi : but I guess tomorrow that American client is coming to meet Siddharth.

Avneet : no problem, I can wait for day after tomorrow or any day whenever you got time. (With a smile)

Siddharth : that meeting was cancelled, I am free tomorrow.

Vaishnavi : I knew it that you will be free tomorrow.

Abhishek : yes you must be tired Siddharth of all the travelling for business so you should take rest for few days at home.

Avneet feels happy more than siddharth.

Avneet is really so expressive so whatever she feel it come on her face at the same time instantly.

Siddharth : okay bhaiya.

Vaishnavi : by the way let's have a dinner now.

All of them have a dinner together and after that Abhishek to go and rest in her room.

Abhishek : good night.

Avneet : good night bhaiya, good night bhabhi, good night (with looking down blushing to siddharth)

Siddharth : good night, and take care of yourself properly.

Stay tuned.

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