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Siddharth POV

This confusion in your mind is not right Siddharth, you always wish for Anushka in your whole life you never love anyone else.

And today when you are really so close to your love destination you always wish for.

You can't let your confusion come between your love feeling for Anushka.

Whatever you have for Avneet in your heart is just a concern, okay maybe it is more than concern and care but it just just small period infactuation.

That too happen because Avneet is really beautiful and flawless, anyone can find million reason to love her.

But you are not the one made for him, as you never love her, even the reason of our marriage was never feelings.

I should stop myself growing more feeling for Avneet, and that will happen only if we get separate soon.

Because as much as we stay together in same villa that much the feeling grow stronger.

And this is not good for you and even worst for Avneet, because she already feels for you, it hurts more when we get seperate for her.

Yeah... Right.

I should send her somewhere else where she can live her life and begin a new lifestyle from a new start point.

I talked to my lawyer, and I made everything ready to send her to my farm house, I arrange everything for her comfort there.

It is not easy for me to send her far away from my eyes, but I know if Anushka get to know about me and avneet, everything will be a great mess.

But now the biggest challenge is right in front of me to tell her that this is the time to separate.

POV ends

Lawyer told me, that he is ready to file a divorce if Avneet is ready to give her consent statement for divorce in court.

Siddharth told him to proceed as there is no issues from Avneet's side ever.

Siddharth came to Avneet to talk to her she is so happy as always not expecting that her world gonna shatter today.

It's a morning time ---

Stay tuned.

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