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Siddharth gave some pecks on her lips but he and Avneet can feel the hormone are getting more arouse rather than being calm after kisses.

The kiss turn into smooch but still they wants more.

Siddharth holding her from her waist, the night top she is wearing is short in length making siddharth able to touch her bare skin on waist.

Avneet : don't you think we should control? (Feeling shy and getting turn on)

Siddharth : if you can then stop me. (Said in challenging tone)

Avneet : why will I stop you but if anyone came then it will be so embarrassing.

Siddharth : I don't care.

Avneet : if I didn't but I don't like na anybody bring you away from me every time.

Siddharth : aww, then let's go somewhere?

Avneet : where, and at this time?

Siddharth : yeah, I am with you na, come. It's so thrilling romantic, a late night ride.

Avneet : okay.

Siddharth brings avneet out, without being seen by anyone.

On the other hand in Abhinavi's room.

Abhi tried to kiss her but vaishnavi was doing something on phone so she tell him to wait.

Vaishnavi : abhi, calm down don't be despo.

Abhishek : hey, I am not the one na who is getting desperate....if you don't know let me tell you that siddharth told me that you were missing me.

Vaishnavi : yeah I was missing you...but he told you to try to make us busy together and then they can have time together.

Abhishek : but I locked his room from outside.

Vaishnavi : do you think any lock can stop him going to avneet tonight.

Abhishek : I think I should go and pull his ear to be oversmart in the desperation.

Vaishnavi : Avneet is equally desperate, and abhi there is nothing wrong they are doing they love each other.

Abhishek : but they are not married yet we should remember that.

Vaishnavi : this wedding is a confirmation of their love to public, they know that they love each other.

Abhishek : true, so let them love each other and let me get my love in my arms.

Stay tuned

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