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Manager told Siddharth to wake her up.

Siddharth is really feeling so confused about everything right now the way he bring her to his Villa is not suitable in anyway.

Siddharth bent into the car. Tapped her shoulder.

Sid : hey... What's her name?? (Asked his manager).

Manager : you better should remember her name now she is your wife Siddharth Sir.

Sid : don't make me feel guilty now you know that in which consequences I marry with her I don't have any other option.

Manager : I know I should not say anything like this but sir you didn't even tried anything else you should think twice wife before marrying her.

Sid : I don't want more stress for now.

Manager : Her name is Avneet.

Sid : yeah I remembered before you said. (To Avneet) hey Avneet... Get up we reached Mumbai.

For a second, she wasn't even remember that where she is right now.

It was like a dream for Avneet in which she was in the middle of all the Monsters, and when there is no hope left in her life her Prince Charming came in our life and save her from every problem standing with the open mouth in front of her.

She yawn a bit. With rubbing her eyes, she open her eyes and see her Prince Charming as the first view of morning.

Sid : we reached... Come on...

Avu smiled only.

She came out from car.

She is wearing a lehenga which is irritating her a lot because she is not used to with such kind of dress up.

As soon she came out from car.

One more dream is going to start happening in her real life.

Nigam's Villa.. which is more beautiful and luxury than the imagination of heaven for Avneet is waiting for her.

She can't believe her eye that she is standing in front of a place like this.

Avu : how beautiful place this.... Where we are sir? (Calling him sir, and siddharth is happy with this as he don't want much people get to know that he get married to her)

Sid : thanks.

Avu : are we going inside to this palace?

Sid : this is not a palace this is my residence and obviously we are going inside. Come on follow me.

Avu remains silent, as everybody teach her like the villagers do that wife's should not talk in front of their husband much.

Stay tuned

Target 15 votes

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