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This is the culture of so many undeveloped places of India where a girl is not treated equally in the relationship after marriage.

Always the husband consider the superior in the wedded life relationship and the girl have a duty always to just keep her husband happy.

And Avneet belongs from the place follows this ideology.

Avneet is not carrying anything with her. As she didn't bring anything with her.

Everyone in the Villa looking at them there are almost 100 member staff working in the Villa of Siddharth Nigam.

They don't know who is this girl and why she is wearing the bride dress up and walking behind Siddharth.

Siddharth is really feeling so awkward right now because he didn't have any feeling for Avneet.

He don't know how to keep his marriage with avneet secret now.

With the long strides, Siddharth walk inside the Villa.

He is not even looking at Avneet.

And on the other hand Avneet is not able to describe her happiness right now in the word and not just because of this luxury in this Villa she is so happy in walking behind Siddharth.

She don't know why and how but she gave her heart to Siddharth without even knowing him completely.

She accept him as her husband with whole heart.

Sid : show her the guest room. (Whispers)

Manager : but sir...she is your wife.

Sid : I told you that show her the guest room is it really difficult to understand those simple words to you.

Manager : I am so sorry sir. Come this way mam.

Avneet looked at siddharth for permission.

Sid : you go and fresh and up first... You must be tired from journey as well... Even this make-up must be irritating you. So have a shower first.

Avneet nodded.

Avu walk behind manager.

But then turn around and come near siddharth.

Avu : I wanna ask you something sir? (In low tone)

Sid : what?

Avu : uhmm.. (Seem hesitated)

Sid : all fine??

Avu : actually I don't get chance to bring any pair of my cloth what will I be a after changing this dress.

Sid : you don't worry about it you just go I will arrange something for you.

Avu smiled and thank him.

Siddharth orders for clothes for her.

Right now 2-3 pairs because he don't know what she likes to wear.

He send those clothes to her room.

Stay tuned

Target 15 votes

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