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Their heart beats getting faster, their breathe are getting heavier but siddharth is taking control on his mind and heart.

As he have some romantic plans and a surprise for Avneet.

And avneet is really so nervous right now, she want to keep this relationship ahead but she don't want to do anything in hurry with me Siddharth feel awkward and spoil this moment.

Avneet waited for Siddharth move ahead but Siddharth decide to sleep with this cuddle.

It is not less than any Romance they want, it is also the way to show how much they love each other, they tightly embrace each other and slept.

After almost an hour, siddharth get up from bed and now it is time to make the surprise ready for Avneet.

He didn't wake her up, he just call for some arrangements.

Avneet wake up at 3:00 p.m. in afternoon, Sidharth make everything ready in other room he especially booked for the proposal which he want to make memorable.

She wake up with a cute yawn.

Avneet : what happen?

Siddharth came to her kiss her forehead.

Siddharth : you looks fresh and happy now.

Avneet : yeah, you are in front of me na then how I could be sad or tired of anything.

Siddharth : aww, you are so cute. Okay get up, and wear this.

Siddharth gave a present to her it is wrapped.

Avneet : what is in it?

Siddharth : just go and take a shower then change your outfit with this I am waiting for you for something romantic surprise.

Avneet : yups.

She jumped from the bed runs to the bathroom for shower as she is really so excited for this surprise.

Siddharth is happy seeing her happy.

Avneet take few minutes to take a shower, now it's time to unwrap the present and change her outfit with this gift.

It's a pretty dress but quite smaller than she usually wear, but it's a choice of her husband, so everything whats siddharth like is perfect for her.

Avneet wear this outfit and came out with a smile on her face.

Stay tuned.

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