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Siddharth get up on his feets he want to go into the room before Abhishek come and see him drunk.

Maid : do you know what happened to Siddharth sir, mam because in last 3 years I am working here I never see Siddharth drunk.

Avneet : I don't know.

Maid : but mam, I think we should bring Siddharth sir to the room. Because it Abhishek sir get to know then he will definitely be angry on sir.

Avneet : I think the same. (Worried and scared)

Maid call the household workers to help, Siddharth to go to his room.

They came ahead to give support to siddharth to bring him back to the room upstairs.

Siddharth : what the hell you want I can walk myself I am not this weak. (He said when his feets are trembling).

Avneet : yes we know sir, you can walk yourself.. But you should rest right now.

Maid : yes sir, avneet mam is right.

Siddharth walks toward Avneet, he went closer to her, Avneet didn't get even a second to move back.

Siddharth : tell me one thing , avneet... what is wrong in me, why Anushka rejected me and choose that Riyaz over me. (Said senselessly)

Avneet : sir I think you should rest right now we will talk everything tomorrow. (She is sad, because she understood it's because of Anushka)

Siddharth : no Avneet I am not going anywhere I want the answer right now what is exactly wrong with me what I have to change to get Anushka in my life?

Avneet : you don't need to change anything in you sir, you are completely perfect for anyone.

Siddharth smiled.

Siddharth : why anushka isn't understanding this, when even she is more literate than you. More smarter than you. (Said comparatively)

Avneet felt bad, but smiled only.

Avneet : don't worry sir, I pray from my god that you will get the love you deserve in your life. But right now please rest.

Siddharth : I know I will not... You know what... You are the sweetest person. (Said with tears in his eyes)

Siddharth moves ahead, but his feets tremble again.

Avneet holds him.

Avneet : please try to understand you need rest right now.

Siddharth : yes you are right I wanna rest.

Stay tuned

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