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Siddharth POV

She is such a kid and stubborn one but a cute one too.

I am feeling so bad for her some time I feel sometime that I made a mistake to bring her here.

Then I think that no I didn't made a mistake she is such an Angel and she was living in the hell, which is not suitable for her.

Don't worry Siddharth you never did wrong with anyone even you are intention to marry her was good so you will get the reward of your goodness.

But for now you have to take care of her, you can't left her with the feeling of get cheated again.

But seriously I should appreciate the energy she have she didn't have any food from yesterday and tell she is really so energetic and active yet.

She really came back in a minute.

POV ends.

It's a second time Siddharth and Avneet have their breakfast together.

Siddharth already get a confirmation from his lawyer that he will not get any proceeding and divorce paper before a week so he have to wait for a week.

Until then, Siddharth decided to settle her in her life, and the best option for that is to make her study and help her to be self capable in her life by which she can live her life ahead and get a groom of her choice in the perfect age of marriage after 3-4 years.

At evening,

Siddharth came back to his Villa, the whole day today Siddharth doesn't met Anushka.

As Anushka is working on a huge project too.

Siddharth bring the brochure of so many Universities in India or Abroad as option to choose for her according to her intrest.

Avneet feels so happy seeing him back in early evening today. Because she didn't get any time to spend with him since they get married.

Siddharth : good evening Avneet.

Avneet : good evening. (With a smile)

Siddharth : you know what Avneet, you have such a pretty smile.

Avneet just blush in the response and being silent.

Siddharth : okay listen.. I want to talk to you something very important so come with me.

Avneet followed him to his room.

She is in this Villa, but for the very first time she came in his room.

Stay tuned

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