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Siddharth get to know that Abhishek will be back after 3 days because his tour of India extended for 10 days now.

Siddharth's company touch a very big milestone in the business field today.

Everyone is so happy today in the office even they are asking for a party and celebration in this occasion.

Siddharth promise them a party, and he decided the party will be take place tomorrow itself in his house.

Siddharth thought that anyone will not get to know about Avneet until she came out from her room.

And he knows avneet won't come out until he allow her.

Now Siddharth is thinking to say sorry to everyone for his yesterday behavior.

Siddharth POV

I made too many mistake yesterday I should apologize to everyone. And thr real mistake I did with Avneet.

Because whatever happens in the Lounge wasn't my mistake but if Anushka blindly trust on Riyaz I can't do anything in this.

As much as I go against Riyaz that much Anushka will go far away from me.

So I should be the friend of Riyaz as well that will help me to expose his real face in front of Anushka.

POV ends

Siddharth calls Anushka.

Siddharth : hello Anuskha.

Anushka : I am so sorry Siddharth but I don't want to talk to you as you behave yesterday after that I don't think we can be friends.

Siddharth : I just want to apologize for yesterday only and say sorry to Riyaz as well. Now it's your choice if you don't want to continue friendship with me i can understand.

Anushka : Riyaz is with me only, you can directly say sorry to him.

When he call her, Riyaz is still with her at this time too. That make him burn like a hell.

Siddharth : yeah okay.

Anushka gives phone to Riyaz.

Siddharth control His anger and said sorry to him invite both of them in the house party of Siddharth next day.

Anushka forgive him and Riyaz is not able to afford and enmity of Siddharth Nigam.

Both of them get ready to come in the house party of siddharth.

Now Siddharth have the biggest challenge in front of him of saying sorry to Avneet.

It is difficult to ask for forgiveness after all what he did so he decided that he will buy a sorry card for Avneet and give it to her.

Stay tuned

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