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It is early morning 6:00 a.m. when we reach Manali. I booked a hotel online.

We are married so no issues to get a room there.

We entered inside the hotel area, it's a quite luxurious hotel. We check in for room on reception and got keys for a beautiful suite for honeymoon couple.

By the way my motive is really make it beautiful for Avneet, I am not looking forward for starting a relationship on this trip.

It is not out of plan but yes it is not even part of plan for now, I make myself really clear that I will do everything whatever make avneet happy.

Mostly honeymoon suites are always ready with the beautiful decorations and we got the one of the romantic aroma filled room.

This room is enough to change mood of anyone, like those fragrance are really made for couples to being busy with each other and even forget that they can explore this city too.

Pov ends

Avneet step inside, everything is decorated with roses. As roses are always symbol of love.

She melts looking the decorations, Avneet consider it that Siddharth arrange everything here for her.

She isn't aware of honeymoon suite and all before. So she is happy feeling that he planned this for her.

Siddharth let her consider anything whatever make her more happy, and its a truth that it is all for her only.

Because the smile came on her face is more beautiful than the decoration of the room. Even the brightness of sun can fade off in front of her happy face.

Avneet : it's feel like I am in heaven.

Siddharth : Angels deserve heaven only. (Said lovingly)

Avneet smile.

Siddharth : you like it right?

Avneet : I love it seriously I never saw something like this before. (Looking around)

Siddharth : so, if you are happy then don't you think, I should be happy as well.

Avneet : yes.

Siddharth : so, I want a kiss then. (Asked teasingly and moving towards her)

Avneet feels shy and moves back.

Stay tuned

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