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Siddharth POV

Siddharth you really make a mistake if you were not get married to Avneet yesterday then maybe you have some chance to confess of feelings to Anushka today.

But for now you have to hold your emotion because right now, legally you are married reasons doesn't matter in front of laws of government in society.

So you should not tell her about your feelings, first of all, you need a divorce from Avneet. Then you can explain her the situation in which you get married to her.

I was thinking this only when someone knock the door again, it was my lawyer now.

I allow him in.

I know I can't discuss anything in front of Anushka. But she is involved in all the matters of business and even my personal matters every time so I can't even tell her to excuse us personally.

POV ends.

Lawyer : good morning sir/mam.

Anushka : good morning.

Siddharth : have a seat... You too anushka.

Anushka : everything is good, right?

Siddharth : yes, everything is good.

Anushka : okay I have to take a leave siddharth, I will see you later.. Good day.

Siddharth taken relieved breath, Anushka left the cabin.

Lawyer : you called me so urgently siddharth sir... Any issues?

Siddharth : before telling you the matter I am strictly want it to be very very personal. It can't be leak out at any cost.

Lawyer : you can trust my professionalism sir, you are my client and I will never leave out any information out.

Siddharth : yeah I know I can trust you... So listen... I want divorce.

Lawyer : what?

Siddharth : listen to me calmly.

Siddharth told him everything in details.

Lawyer : oh my God this is really so complicated, I am so sorry Sir, but you should not marry her.

Siddharth : I know but that time I don't have any other option to bring her with me safely in that hurry, I didn't realize the future consequences.

Lawyer : ohh...

Siddharth : so now you have to tell me that what can I do in this situation I want to get out from it, as soon as possible.

Lawyer : you just get married to her yesterday it is impossible to get divorce this soon. Court will reject the application without even looking at it.

Siddharth : but i have reason that time.. Even witness were there. I can provide enough proof that I was out of options.

Stay tuned.

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