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Siddharth is thinking that he will not take any call this evening but it is important call it is from his lawyer.

Siddharth : excuse me for a minute, Avneet, I will be back.

Siddharth came out from the car and went little far away from the car.

Lawyer : good evening sir

Siddharth : good evening

Lawyer : sir, your divorce paper is ready I send my assistant with the envelope of paper he will hand over you on your Villa.

Siddharth : ohh.. but I am going somewhere out right now, umm... Do a thing... I am sending you a location send him there.

Lawyer : okay sir.

Siddharth : yeah.

Lawyer : sir, make sure that you will get the sign of the girl, within 2 days then I will send it for proceeding it's still take more than 90 days.

Siddharth : you don't worry about it you just make everything ready I will try to get her consent mark as soon as possible.

Lawyer : okay sir.

Siddharth : yeah.

Lawyer : have a great evening sir.

Siddharth : you too.

Lawyer cuts the call.

Siddharth POV

It is such a wrong timing today I want everything to go with Avneet choice. But this divorce paper.

Siddharth don't think much relax yourself you don't have any other choice and you are not doing anything wrong with of me she will be never happy with you because you don't love her and you can't love her as a husband ever.

She really deserve someone who loves her.

And this relationship is just for a name we didn't have any relationship like husband and wife and today when she will be in happy mood it will be easy for me to get her signature.

Yeah, calm down... You can do it.

It's not wrong remember... You will make her settle.

POV ends

Siddharth came back and drive his car to a 7 star dining hotel.

Siddharth and Avneet entered in, when he got a call from Lawyer.

Siddharth ask avneet to sit and he will be back in a minute.

Avneet feels so insecure every time when Siddharth go anywhere leaving her alone. As she don't know anyone else in this city.

But she keep quite, Siddharth came out and collected the divorce papers from the assistant told him that where he have to take signature of Avneet to get free from this registered marriage.

Stay tuned.

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