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After introduction,

Anushka asked Riyaz to go on a dance floor.

Riyaz : why are you in hurry anushka, we can go after few minutes we just met her, I mean we are having a conversation na.

Anushka : we can have it later.. Let's go.

Siddharth : she is right Riyaz, you should go with Anushka instead of giving attention on my girlfriend you should focus on yours. (Said teasingly and pump anushka's frustation and ange)

Riyaz : bro, you is in next level mood today.

Anushka : yeah but he is right come with me. I want to dance.

Riyaz : ok ok.. Avneet you also come with us. (Insisting her unnecessarily)

Avneet looked at siddharth.

Siddharth hold her hand.

Siddharth : let's go avneet.

Avneet : I don't know how to dance.

Siddharth : even I don't know how to dance don't worry it's easy I teach you as much as I know.

Avneet nodded and get up.

Anushka : your girlfriend is so sincere Siddharth she is listening everything whatever you are saying to her to do.

Riyaz : Yes, Anushka is right how you get her bro?

Siddharth : you need a better luck to get such kind of girls in your life she is not a she is a blessing to me.

Siddharth is overwhelming towards Avneet today Avneet is liking it too much she didn't know what is the reason and she didn't even want to know.

She is happy with his love.

She don't want to use her mind in the matter of love.

Anushka : okay okay I understood that you have a best girlfriend in the world now can we go on a dance stage.

Siddharth : yes sure.

Anushka and Riyaz.

Avneet and siddharth takes their poses for their couple dance.

Feel the song in background

Anushka and Riyaz dancing as well.

But the things make romantic couple dance complete is missing between Riyaz and Anushka right now because Riyaz have no attention on Anushka for now.

He is looking Avneet while dancing with Anushka when Siddharth isn't care for anything right now.

And Avneet is looking lost completely in her boy.

The song starts, with very smooth moves the dance starts.

Stay tuned

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